University of Virginia Library



Lord and God, with hearts uplifted do we render thanks to Thee,
And confess Thee in the splendours of Thy saints eternally!
In the splendours of Thy martyrs we confess Thee, Lord and God,
In the glorious white-robed army who through blood and fire have trod.
Multitudes of men and women, by Thy love allured, sufficed,
Laying down the life He gave them at the feet of Jesus Christ.
Oh, the call of Jesus rang through every fibre of their frame,
And they rose and followed Jesus to His hill of death and shame.
Oh, the call of Jesus sounded, My beloved, come up higher!
And they passed into His glory through the heart of blood and fire.


Great the army as it marches past the bounds of time and space,
In the glory of the vision of the Lord's unveiled face.
Band of baby Hallows, fearless of the smiters' sword, who made
Crowns and palms their childly playthings in the sacrificial shade.
Glorious Prophets and Apostles; Keepers of the mighty Keys;
Folk unnoticed and forgotten, numbered now with such as these.
Boys and girls yet keeping dew of youth upon their locks undried;
Aged ones whose faith undaunted force of sword and fire defied.
Prime of manhood, soldiers, rulers, kings of science and of song;
Women wearing Mary's mantle, and in Mary's spirit strong.


And while time with us abideth, and the King of Love hath foes,
Still the white-robed martyr army in its strength and number grows.
Trinity of love transcendent, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
We confess Thee, we adore Thee, in Thy white-robed martyr host!

See the Hymn for Lauds, Feast of the Holy Innocents.