University of Virginia Library



A very bright-eyed little mouse,
When running in my Auntie's house,
Perceived a cage, and overheard
The pipings of a golden bird:
“Day in, day out, I have my fill
Of seed and sugar for my bill;
However hot the blazing sky,
My water-bowl is never dry.
“My mistress sees that I am fed,
And loves to stroke my velvet head;
She tells that slinking wretch in fur
Canary bones are not for her!
“I'm safe and happy when I cling
Upon the wires, or stand to sing,
For everyone who likes to hear,
A song that shakes the chandelier.
“No breezes put me in a fret,
No raindrops make my feathers wet;
Week in, week out, I have my fill
Of seed and sugar for my bill.”
On hearing this, the silky mouse
Began to look about the house
In hope of finding for her share
A cage supplied with pleasant fare.


And in a corner near the fire
She found a house of wood and wire,
With not the smallest sign to say
That trespassers must go away!
The friendly door was open wide,
A meal of cheese was spread inside;
Not waiting to reflect, the dunce
Decided to walk in at once.
On happy toes she crept along,
Encouraged by the goldbird's song;
But when she bit the cheese's rind
She heard a slapping noise behind!
An inch beyond her grey-silk tail
The door had shut! The mouse went pale;
For now there was a sign to say
That trespassers were bound to stay!
The mouse's heart went pit-a-pat
As there in wretchedness she sat
And listened to the song-bird's clear
Announcement shake the chandelier:
“However hot the blazing sky,
My water-dish is never dry;
Year in, year out, I have my fill
Of seed and sugar for my bill.”
Perhaps the little grey-silk mouse
Again is running in the house,
For Auntie Ada let her go
Because her heart was thumping so!


She didn't linger there to say
“Good-bye” or “Thanks” or “Lovely day”!
But rushed along the cupboard's back
And tumbled headlong down a crack!
“Year in, year out, I have my fill
Of seed and sugar for my bill,”
Canary cried. “But east or west,”
Quoth Auntie, “liberty is best!”