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A Collection Of Poems

By John Whaley

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To a LADY,

To a LADY,

Who after accepting a Present of a Diamond Ring, and wearing it sometime, offer'd by way of Refusal to return it to the Donor, who was then about Sixty.

Permit, transporting Fair, a plaintive Muse
To breath her suff'rings at that word—Refuse.
What tho' Idalian sweets compose that Face,
Nor can all India's Mines improve one Grace;
Yet, yet accept this emblem of my Love,
Which, lasting as the Diamond's Self shall prove.


Accept, and dissipate my sick'ning Fears;
Shun roving Youth, and Try the worth of Years:
Years,—which gave me to make my Passion known,
And form'd the trembling Lustre of this Stone.