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Sent to a Lady with Myrtillo's Poems.

Had I Myrtillo's Judgment to indite,
And could his soft, transporting Numbers write:
I then might hope to paint thy ev'ry Grace,
And beauteously in native Order place
The meeting Virtues; perfectly imprest
On sacred Sheets, in thy Ethereal Breast.
Thee only for my fav'rite Theme I'd chuse,
The fit Employment of a lawrell'd Muse:
I then would try the utmost Force of Art,
And with All-conqu'ring Verse invade your Heart:
The Pow'rs of Wit and Poetry should join,
And Words, like his, improve each sprightly Line;


Till Harmony, to just Perfection brought,
Should find a Charm for the severest Thought.
I'd bribe your Favour with so rich a Strain,
That nicest Caution should be us'd in vain.
Strictest Reserves without Success be try'd,
And Terms of high Distinction thrown aside.
Ev'n you, my great Superior, should descend
Humbly to wear the milder Name of Friend.
Kind Epithet! which only to repeat
Gives to my Heart a more exalted Heat,
And makes it with redoubled Motions beat.