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The Canons of Criticism and Glossary

Being A Supplement to Mr. Warburton's Edition of Shakespear ... The Sixth Edition, with Additions [with] The Trial of the Letter y, alias Y, and Sonnets [by Thomas Edwards]

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To his Grace Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury.
Prelate, whose steady hand, and watchful eye
The sacred vessel of Religion guide,
Secure from Superstition's dangerous tide,
And fateful Rocks of Infidelity;
Think not, in this bad age of obloquy,
When Christian virtues Christians dare deride,
And worth by Party-zele alone is tried,
To 'scape the poison'd shafts of calumny;
No—though the tenor of thy blameless life,
Like His, whose flock is to thy care consign'd,
Be spent in teaching Truth and doing Good;
Yet, 'mongst the Sons of Bigotry and Strife,
Thou too, like Him, must hear thy Good malign'd,
Thy Person slander'd, and thy Truths withstood.