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or, Poems on Several Subjects, Never before Handled. By a Schollar [i.e. Samuel Wesley]

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An Elegant Letter, with a Copy of fine Verses by a London Wit, in answer to a Lampoon.
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An Elegant Letter, with a Copy of fine Verses by a London Wit, in answer to a Lampoon.


How doth the learned Critic stand,
Pensive and mad, with Pen in hand,
Fraighted with store of amorous Wares,
Which many an Author owns for theirs!
He is a Fool that thinks it good
To laugh at all that's made of Wood;
And eke in time may lifted be
Unto the fatal wooden Tree.

For this block of a Lover, Poet, Scrivener, &c was by Occuptaion a Joyner, or some such wooden Trade, of which he had a touch in a former Lampoon.