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[I had a Love, a month a go]


I had a Love, a month a go,
I Woo'd, as I were madd,
And, to say truth, as handsome too,
As you would wish, t'have had:
But how it comes about,
I cannot tell,
I've e'ne forgot the face,
And know not well,
Where was the Place,
Her Beauty, or her Grace,
Did ever dwell.


And yet; I've had a scurvy kind
Of fancy, to this Love,
Which some Girles, call, a constant mind,
And say, I faithful prove:
Sure I'me too hot to hold,
Yet, when I spye,
A high and stately brow,
Whose Majesty,


Commands us bow,
To Homage, Oh! ev'n now
(Me thinks) I'de Dye.


But out upon't! I've found the cause,
And know the reason, why
I can't obey femal Laws,
Nor quit my Liberty:
Where Honour keeps the Gate,
And does deny
To such, as me, or you,
The Courtesie,
To come and go,
And t'other Knickknack too
Farewell! say I!