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Qvhan that of Inde the auld Clarus
Saw neir him cumand Cassamus,
Fer forrow his fallowis in the feild
He sprent furth, couered vnder sheild.
He said, “fare nece, seis thow ȝon menȝe?
Thay were vs with thair oist to fle.
Leif, freind! lat me and him allane!”
“I grant it weill,” quod Marciane,
“I quyteclame ȝow my part ilk deill!
Ȝe haue short space ȝe venge ȝow weill.
May ȝe him slay, thir folke, perfay,
Thairthrow beis febled fast away!”
Than Clarus prekit his steid in hy,


Fer forrow all his cumpany.