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[XXIII. Psalterium b. Mariae. BY ALBERTUS MAGNUS]
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[XXIII. Psalterium b. Mariae. BY ALBERTUS MAGNUS]

Heyl Mayden ouer Maydenes vchon,
Modur wiþ-outen pere,
Wiþ-outen knowyng of Mon
A worþi chyld þow beere:
Mak vs vr lordus lawes kepe
And ofte to haue in mende,


In to kyngdom of Ioye to lepe,
Beo blessed wiþ-outen ende.
Heil þe entrayles o whom
Brouhten forþ a sone
At whos deþ boþe alle and som
ffolk grucche bi-gone:
Heore deuoute voices al-way
Þat sechen þe here in grounde;
Euel causes remoue a-way
Þat vs here han I-founde.
Heil, Mayden and Mirour
Of holy heuenly lyuyng,
Of whos wombe wiþ honour
Is boren a child, vr kyng,
Þat hedde compassion of þe ded,
Wiþ his dedliche slepyng
Wiþ deþ [deþ] he termyned,
Vr gult awey wassching.
Heil douhtur of þe sone,
Modur of þe getere,
Hauyng child aȝeynes old wone
Oþur elles comuyn manere:


Calle us aȝeyn in to þat staat
Þat is of better lyuyng,
ffor us haþ holden longe al maat
Vanyte of erryng.
Heil þou, buggyng us aȝeyn
Out of Egyptes cley,
In vices wounden to helpe, certeyn,
Þou art redi al-wey:
Þou defendyng us wel riht
Wiþ þe scheld of wil,
Vs Corouned in blisse briht
Set sikerly wiþ skil.
Heil, louelich ȝate of lyf,
Hele of þe forþinkyng:
Bi-hold þe wrecchednesse so rif
Of soule þat is serwyng;
Þat in wraþþe I ne feel
Þe vois of repreyuing,
Clanse me from sunnes eueridel
And eke from tormentyng.
Heil Modur, þou onliche
Hed art of vr hope:


Þorw þi merites specialiche
Haue merci on me mope,
Þat from alle þe liknesse
Of þis lyuyng heer
I may haue wiþ fulnesse
Þe siht of god so cler.
Heil kynges Mayden, swete þing,
Somme of ioyes I calle,
Bi whom þe wondurful kyng,
Lord þat is ouer alle,
Calleþ us a-ȝeyn wiþ-oute deseruyng
In to his sones hope,
Þat aren ofte put in to flemyng,
In vices whon we ben crope.
Heil feir trone of grace,
Modur of Ihesu crist,
Þat to conceyue in þi space
Onliche Mayden deseruedist:
I schal knowleche to þat lord
Þat þou so dust bi-gete,
Þat þou þe name in dede ne word
Of Mayden and Moder ne lete.


Heil Mayden ouer oþur met,
Beo whom is mad passyng
Vppon on of hulles gret
In whuch is don offring,
Þe weþer holden wiþ a Brer,
Whuche was a-ȝeyn biggyng
Of þe wastour þat was in wer,
fforȝiuenes þat com askyng.
Heil Modur of vr lord,
Ȝit I sey Modur heil!
Cristes ȝok in dede and word
To bere mak me not fayl;
Þat I of þe eiȝteþe blisse
Beo parciner me borwe,
To beo diliuered and euer misse
Vr furste modur sorwe.
Heil Mayden feir of face,
Worschiped wiþ nome of Moder;
So plentiuous I-douwed wiþ grace
Was þer neuer non oþer:
Purge þe scharpnesse of vr þouht,
So þat hit beo sped,
And þat hit to longe ne slepe nouht
In slep of sunful ded.


Heil temple of grace most,
Temple of Sauntite,
Temple of þe holygost,
Trone of þe Maieste:
Saue me, be grace me saue,
I preye þe nou, freliche,
Þat I mowe þe kyngdom haue
Wiþ seintes þat ben godliche.
Heil tabernacle Cleer
Of kyng strong in honde,
Beo whom crist is maad parciner
Of vre lot her in londe,
Þat brak þe bondes and þe loke
Of helle foule ȝates,
Called us fro deþ þer we weore stoke,
Victor of deþ algates.
Heil, of grace þou art trone
Arayed for a kyng,
Of whom sprong forþ for us vchone
An Auoket lyking:
Crist nou beo vr heritage,
Þat of þe is boren,
And kepe his seruauns in alle age,
Þat þei beo not for-loren.


Heil of Sonne þe Cite,
In to whuche he entrid
Kyng of kynges, lord of pite,
þe whuche þe coueyted.
Beo þe now he us here,
Þulke þat he haþ oned;
And þat he fulle hem wiþ his chere
Þat he þrustyng be-mened.
Heil of Maydenes Mayden clene,
Of whom a Mene of diuis
Com to vs wiþ-outen wene,
Victor of olde Enemys:
Vr Enemys he al to-tere,
ffihtere þat is so strong,
And beo grace beo he ȝiuere
Of Ioye þat lasteþ long.
Heil kynges sone (!) briht,
Of whom goþ forþ vche while
Þe verrey sonnes bem liht,
Þat huydeþ al þe gyle


Of vr fon, and queyntises most,
Þat drawen vs in to veyn;
Seching þe scheep þat was lost
To bringe to folde a-ȝeyn.
Heil ful of grace, eke
Speciouse at al,
Mayden wys and þerto Meke,
Wiþ-outen fulþe gret or smal:
In alle maner vr sacrifice
Deuouteliche take þou now,
Ordeyne vr Maners on þi wyse,
Desires and eke a-vow.
Heil hele of monkynde,
Worþiful to beo gret,
Þou bar hele vs alle helynde,
Sauncȝ pere þou art set.
Al vr hope and eke vr blis
In hele beo vs be-tid;
Þerof to haue part wiþ-outen mis
We leeue to beo blessed.
Heil whos wombe sikerly
Brouht forþ a worm þat dred,


Þat vnder-bityng priuely
Þe Iuy of Ione dried;
Whon þe lettre of þe laue
Þat al þing in clos keped,
Aperteliche wiþ open sawe
To vs forsoþe he schewed.
Heil þou ȝerde of Iesse,
Wiþ giftus of grace
Maad riche wiþ plente;
Of correccioun in vche place
Þou art staf, and eke ȝerde
Of consolacioun,
Þorwh whuche crist, þat is nouȝt ferde,
Vs sette in pasture boun.
Heil lond of blis,
Eorþe nouht hered,
Wiþ þe deuh of grace i-wis
ffulliche for euer wered,
Beryng fruit of whos sauour
Reformed was verreyliche
Olde Adames sone, þe furste synnour,
Þat holden was wrecchedliche.


Heil on whos blisse certeyn
Alle crien and ben not feynt,
Be whuche gon vp a-ȝeyn
In depnesse þat weoren dreynt:
Þorwh þe, ladi of delyt,
Heo þat ben conuerted ones
Torn þenne a-ȝein not to vomyt,
As hound þat haþ eten bones.
Heil Modur, bi-hold þou
Defautes of þe peple,
Modres affeccion schewh þou now
Þi sones þat ben feble;
Ordeyn þou vr maners so,
Weyuyng inparfyt þing,
Þat vr fot mowe þen go
Streiht forþ wiþ-outen lettyng.
Heil modur of þat lord al on
Þat his men doþ defende,
Þat wiþ þre hundred ouercom
Gret cumpaignies and schende:
I preye þe, ladi, vs bi-holde
Wiþ þyn eȝen clere,
Derknesses fer fro us folde
And kepe vr þouhtes here.


Heil Mayden of a lord,
Modur saunȝ tecche I-þriue,
Of whos wombe þorwh Godus word
fflesch to god was ȝiue;
Þat flesch dilyuered flessche,
Þat flesch boren was to dye,
Þat flesch refloured þat was nessche,
Of deþ þat hedde Maystrie.
Heil be whom godus sone, i-wis,
Breþeren him wolde purchase,
To beo clept godus sones of blis
Be rihte In vche place.
Goþ nou sones deuoutelye
Þat he haþ called him to,
Offreþ þe lombes of Innocensye,
ffor he comaundet so.
Heil tabernacle of crist
Halewed worþily,
Of alle Modrus i-wist
To haue þe pris only:
Mak us redi to vr vs
Þe olde sacke verreyly
Þat for ur woundes as refus
Was wounded wilfully.


Heil vr Ioye of worþinesse,
And vr strengþe þerto,
Whos noble swetnesse
Is muchel and gret also:
In þe beo myn hope i-set
Sadly, in certeyn,
ffor in þin heriing nou I swet
ffreoliche and nouȝt in veyn.
Heil of whos wombe verrey
God is of goddus alle
I-maad mon, to don a-wey
Þe þornes of synne and falle.
A, blessed is þat wombe so sad!
And þei ben blessed also
Þat god haþ partyng-felawes maad,
To dwelle wiþ him euer-mo!
Heil bi whom God called a-ȝeyn
Hem þat weoren out cast,
Þat from his ffadur seete certeyn
Went forþ in gret hast,
Leche, þat monkynde þat was mad
Parfyt, he fonde infecte,
Causes of sikenes þen he forbad
And eke þerof þe efecte.


Heil Modur bringinge forþ
Þe feireste fruit i-founde,
Þe touche of whuche was so muche worþ
Þat Eues curs was vnbounde,
Þe whuche trespaced folilyche,
Þat was forboden touchyng,
Þe strok of veniaunce sikerliche
Laft to hem þat were comyng.
Heil beo [whom] þe lord of liht
A scheld tok priuely,
And in his hond I-streyht ariht
Put of his enemy;
Þat of his owne propre cheld (!),
Mengyng þerwiþ cley,
As moni men þo bi-heold,
Maad a blynt mon se al-wey.
Heil temple of grace,
Trone of þe godhed,
Plenteuous ryuer in vche place,
And eke hous of freohed:
Beo þe, hope is ȝolde aȝeyn
To hem þat hedde dispeir:


Gouerne þe Anker in certeyn
Of vr floteryng schip in Eir!
Heil þat hast non lyk to þe,
Wiþ vuel neuer ouer-come,
Of þreo maner of dignite
Wiþ title maad feir and nome:
Maiden and Modur þou art told,
Disseuered ioy[n]e[st] þou goodlye;
Þou art boþe two, as we be-hold—
Vs techeþ vr feiþ at eȝe.
Heil wiþ deuh I-mad feir
Of þe holigost, parde,
Þou beryng child wiþ-outen leir
Kepst flour of chastite:
Mak þou þat he us not missey,
Þe Iuge, in no woodnesse,
Þat he bouht wiþ his blood verrey
ffrom deþ, boþe More and lesse.
Heil of whos sone deuoutely
A psalm is songe wiþ cure,
And of his habit ful sotily
In whuche is suche figure


Whos, laft þis world outerly,
Dilyteþ him to take heed
Wiþ steppes of good þouht holy
To suwen crist, vr hed.
Heil tabernacle of kyng
In-pollute, wondur clen;
Þorwh þe þe lord of alle þing
Þat hedden non help leosed men:
Help þorwh þi worþinesse
Him þat is woundun al-wey
In þe lake of wrecchednesse
And in þe fulþe of cley.
Heil of Sonne þe cite
Þat dauid reised on ende,
Of whom þe sonne of riht, wuste
Wiþ cloude, hit gan forþ wende;
To þe causes of pore and meke
ffrom heuene heede he tok
And made him lyk to þe seke
And sek folk nouht forsok.
Heil from whom gon ay forþ
Riueers of plente rif,


Of whom floweþ of gret worþ
Þe watres of welle of lyf.
Modur, ich aske nou þi merci:
Bi fulþes haue I gon;
Aftur þat welle mak me þursti
Oftur þen I haue don.
Heil from whos chaumbre her
A Iuge is forþ passet
Þat determineþ vr causes cler
And punisscheþ hem þat trespasseþ;
Beo whom of vr þouht þe eȝe,
Wiþ derknes þat is ouer-fet,
Mow lerne þenne wiþ liht in hyȝe
His steppes forte set.
Heil whos worþi sone
Bringeþ forþ neodful, certeyn,
And proude puiteþ in tribulacione
Þat risen vs aȝeyn.
Þat al vr þouhtes in to him
He dresse, I þe preye,
And refreyn of tempest grim
Þe sturinges in þis weye.


Heil be whom biȝetere
A word sum tyme forþ sende,
Word þat to men here
Him-self tempred and bende;
Þe whuche of god and of man
Endited feire þe bonde,
And for us alle diede þan
And deþ put out of londe.
Heil of þat lord þe tabernacle
Þat is of vertue al-way,
In whom he tok wiþ-oute obstacle
Of vr flesch þe Clay,
To Bugge aȝein þe wrecched wiht
Þat non hope felede;
Of þe strong he brak in fiht
Þe bouwe and eke þe schelde.
Heil whos sone so gent
Ouer folk regneþ, parfey;
To whos name men verrey[me]nt
Syngyng wiþ hondes pley.
Make we nou Ioye wiþ al vr list,
Vr þouhtes an heiȝ resynge
To vr noble hed crist,
To him euer cleuynge.


Heil Maiden bringinge forþ wiþ mood
Þe euerlastinge kyng,
Þe whuche is vre god so good,
God wiþ-outen endyng;
Þat for us whon he dude dye,
Al to-spoyled helle,
To his ffadur trone on hiȝe
To make us stye to dwelle.
Heil vr Ioye þat art certeyn,
And eke hope of ur hele,
Bi whom to blynde is ȝolde aȝeyn
Siht, and word to doumbe at mele:
To us naked in þis place
Of cloþes of innocencie,
We preye þe gete us nou grace
And staat of vertues hyȝe.
Heil summe of honour,
Of heleful ioyes i calle,
Þou brouhtust forþ vr saueour,
God of goddus alle,
Þat on wrecches hedde Merci
And wox heore felawe anon,
Wasschynge heore gultus witerli
And tok vr peynes him on.


Heil Maiden Mylde and meke,
On Monkuynde haue Merci,
Eueles of soules þat beo seke
Bi-hold þou witerly;
Of wrecches haue Merci verrey
And eke Compassioun,
Causes of vueles doynge a-wey
To hele þouhtes beo boun.
Heil vessel of Clannesse
Holdyng Oygnement I-nouh,
Of þe olde wrecchednesse
Holdyng doun sourdouh,
Þe mouinges þat ben troublus
Of vr herte refreinynge,
Ȝiuinge of þi grace to vs
Euer-more echynge.
Heil þat euer art present
Vr kuynde forte defende:
Here ur speche wiþ good entent
Þat we forþ to þe sende:
Þou þat wost no corrupcioun,
ffrom us do hit a-wey,
To seke þouhtus loke þou beo boun
Medicyn to do verrey.


Heil whos sone glorious,
To his ffadur euene,
Haþ comformed him to us
I-maad of dedly steuene:
Nou beo we tauht spiritualy
Beo experience Real,
Þat in his nome ful sikerly
Saued we ben from eueles alle.
Heil þou holy sacrarie,
Vr askynges euer heryng,
Vr wordus þou take deuoutly
Al-wei of vre preying;
Vs also þat of þi grace
Wiþ ȝiftus maade riche ariht,
Of pees translate to þe place
Of heueneliche siht.
Heil Modur of forȝifnesse,
Mihti to haue merci:
Make us be founde þorwh þi godnesse
Among þi seruauns herti;
And whon þe wynewyng schal be-ginne
To parte euel from good,


Tempre þou þen to us wiþ þi ginne
Of wraþþe þe Iewes mod.
Heil, for þou art of monkynde
An Aduoket mihti:
Haue merci, and haue in mynde
Of wrecches þou haue merci;
We þat syngen þat bi þe
Þat iuged is to paye,
We asken alle vnbounde to be,
To pay þat asked is ayȝe.
Heil þou þat rihtwysnesse
Hast i-spoken al-way,
Þorwh whos help þe queyntenesse
Of þe fend is lutled ay;
Þat þe peple holpen beo bi þe,
ffeele þei hit in certeyn,
Þat to þe furste liberte
Þei beo restored a-ȝeyn.
Heil modur þat nost sikerliche
Trespas don abedde,
To whom þe peple bisiliche
Crieþ and longe haþ gredde:


Lyuere vs from eueles euerichon,
Whuche from good maner
Vs to wiþ-drawe is bisy mon
Þe drauht of vices her.
Heil beo whom þe godhed
In vr flesch was laced,
So Idumeam he visyted
To mende þat hedde trespaced:
To þe, Modur of worschipe,
Syngeþ peple þat cristen is,
Þat to Godus felaschipe
Þey mowe beo ioyned in blis.
Heil, þou hast sent forþ liht
In place most principal,
Liht euer schynynge briht
Wiþ open bem ouer-al:
Kep us from vuel þat us haþ souht,
Whil þat we dwellen here,
Ȝiuynge to vre derke þouht
Verrey liht and clere.
Heil beo whom þe godhed
Went forþ a-pilgrimage


And þe flemed visyted,
Huled wiþ fflesch of age:
Þorwh þe vr soules to God, ladi,
Soget beo þei and meke,
To þonke vr lord ful hertily
Ay to beo bisy eke.
Heil, þou art code of lyf,
And Maydens eke lanterne;
Whom bi-foren oþur riche and rif
Haþ maad þe grace of heuene:
Help þi sones of þi godnesse
As Modur of pite,
ffullyng hem of þi fatnesse
Of inward saunctite.
Heil Mayden, him forþ bringynge
Be whom al þei dude fayle
Þat hedden tonges of scharpynge
As swerd þat kerueþ Mayle;
Þei maden panters for oþur men
And fullen in to þe same;
Of heor oune defaute þen
To vs þe profyt came.


Heil þorwh whom godhed i-wis
Of vre flesch tok cloþinge,
fforte helen us of seknis
Þorwh his grace helpynge.
Þat i mou, Ioynge, prei i þe,
An hundredfold of encrece and hete,
Haue plentiuouse charite
Of þe valeye of whete.
Heil Mayden, bringyng forþ
Of folk þe helþe, parde,
Of whos herying sounen in worþ
Heuene, Erþe and Séé,
Him þat al monkynde
Wolde en-haunce wel hiȝe,
And so for us eke dyinge
Put out deþes eiȝe.
Heil þorwh whom God haþ muynde
On wrecches and haþ merci,
Þorwh whom al Monkynde
Clansed is þat was gulti:
Beo þe al vr wrecchednis
So beo releued a-wey
Þat in to þe ende of ioye and blis
hit beo chaunged verrey.


Heil of whom boren was her
He þat deþ ouercom,
God of þe vr parciner
Was maad and vre lot nom.
He þat wrecches wiþ worschip
Lyuered fro ȝates of helle,
Restore vs to þe felaschip
Wiþ heuenlich folk to dwelle.
Heil þou sterre schynyng briht,
Of vr hele þou art sterre;
Sterre from whom went forþ riht
Þe Sonne-Beem, our herre:
Þe derknesses of vr þouht
Make þou a-wey to fle;
Þat we be swolewed, suffre þou nouht,
Wiþ tempestes of þe séé.
Heil valeye of humilite,
In whom whon þer doun cam
Verrey God þat tok of þe
Þe seed of Abraham,
On such maner he ȝaf helpyng[g]
To wrecches þat weoren in wer,
Þe panters al to-brekyng
Þat vre Enemy made heer.


Heil ȝate of lyf wiþ honour,
Of vertues þou art spice,
Bringyng forþ þe protectour
To helples þorw vice;
Þou art refuyt to eueri age,
Hope of hele i-founde,
Þorwh whom now of bondage
Þe harde ȝok is vnbounde.
Heil, of heuene þou art reyn,
And fleos wiþ dewh i-wet,
Cloþing of purpre þou art, certeyn,
To þat kyng arayed and met,
Þat him-self to vr kuynde
Schewed him so Aduoket,
Of alle stryues made an ende,
In blisse vs forte set.
Heil [to] whos sone gent
Þreo kynges fro þe Est
Comen feire wiþ heore present,
A sterre hem ladde best;
So þe ioynture of þe fey
Twiȝen þen onynge,
God þe pore lyuered awey
ffrom þe mihti nuwynge.


Heil Mayden, for þou him beer
Þat al þe world doþ keuere;
Þat for vs alle dyȝinge heer
deþ destruyed for euere;
Þe rihte wey a-rayed so
to steppus of vr þouhte,
ffor we schulde on nowyse go
As men þat no-þing rouhte.
Heil whos sone has wrouht
Al vr hele sponnewe,
Þat in þe myddes of eorþe vs souht
To meoue us to vertue.
Remuwe þou, Modur gentil,
Bondage from vr graunge,
Þat we mowen vre exil
Wiþ Ioye of heuene chaunge.
Heil þorwh whos grace may haue
fforȝiuenes verreyliche
He þat þe holy feiþ wol saue
And knowleche hit mekeliche:
Þorwh þi merit, mayden dere,
To vs beo hit iȝiue
Þat hit beo refoormed here
Þat lost was þorwh Eue.


Heil þorwh whom þe lord of miht
Was stured wiþ pite,
And schewed him meke to monnes siht
And knowen was in Iudee:
Mak þou vs of spirit strong,
Sturynges of flesche brekyng,
Þat we ben alle wiþ herte and tong
Deuout to þe seruyng.
Heil modur of grace i calle þe þen,
Schinyng as precious stones,
Modur þorwh whom of þe pore men
Þe vois is herd at ones:
To vs þi sone of worþinesse
In þis lyf hol and some
Beo he boþe wey and soþfastnesse
ffor lyf þat is to come.
Heil, þou noble lond of blis
Whete wel feir borionyng,
To mennes soules þou ȝiuest i-wis
Of lyf þe norisschyng,
Þat on þe hornes of þe Croys
Iewes helden wiþ-outen les;


Dyȝinge he ȝaf wiþ-outen noys
An hundred-fold encrees.
Heil from whom went forþ þo
Þe ffadur of fadurles,
Whos temple defouled also
Þe peple of corsudnes:
Ioyne þi seruauns euerichon
To holi cumpaygnye;
Þi sones take in possession
Þat peyned ben heer to dye.
Heil, þou art þe liht of feiþ,
And vr heȝe hope, parde,
And eke of Charite, men seiþ,
Þe bond. Þerfore þorwh þe
Of soþnesse to us þe weye
Was schewed. we preye þe now,
Conuerte us, þat wiþ vr eiȝe
Seo vueles we ne mow.
Heil whos sone fyn
Wiþ his mihti honde
ffrom Egiptus cofyn
Diliuered us her in londe,
After þat vs refetyng
Wiþ þe ter of whete,
And of þe ston hony flowyng
ffulled vs at mete.


Heil, whos deore sone stod
In þe Synagoge of goddes
And iuged þer wiþ stille mood
Princis lyuynge as dogges;
And foode ȝaf to þe faderles,
And hope eke to neodi;
Vs to his sones he dude purches
In to hope on hyȝ.
Heil þorwh whom, as we haue mynde,
To us is maad nou lyke
God, þat iuge is of monkynde,
Suffring and rihtful eke:
Purge þou vr concience,
And ordeyne vre delyt,
Þat us greue nouȝt vre offence
Of wrecches in-parfyt.
Heil tabernacle cler
Maade of þe godhed,
In whom crist saued þe world her
ffrom synne and wrecchedhed:
Þe bond, we preye þe, vnbynde
Of vre schrewednesse,


And ȝif us place to vre dwellynge:
Þat is of newe clernesse.
Heil noble eorþe of grace
Þorwh ȝiftus wel arrayed,
To bringe forþ fruyt in luytel space
Of newe blessyng assayed:
Þou schalt make al vre desyr
In godnesse to be stede;
Of al vuel quenche þou þe fyr
And eke of wikkedhede.
Heil þou cler myrour of lyf,
Of Maydens þou art queene,
Whom grace of heuene ouer-al ful ryf
Schynyng schewed schene:
Beende þyn eres bisyliche
To pore mennes preyere,
Þe whuche ben wrapped wrecchedliche
In fulþe and serwe in-feere.
Heil cite of god and man,
Of whuche þe foundement


Buylded þe Samaritan,
Þat us vppon his iument
Sette þat br[o]uȝt was neih [of] dawe,
And ȝaf us vnement,
Eching to hem þat lyuen beo lawe,
Of grace help verrement.
Heil Modur of [þe] lord and kyng,
Þat hope art of vr hele,
Þe whuche brac in his dyȝing
Of bondage ȝokkes fele:
Help us nou wiþ þi preying—
We ben in ful gret age;
In to heuene vs up liftyng
Þorwh vertus, stage vp stage.
Heil of Monkynde ende makyng
Of alle serwe and stryf,
Þorwh whom disposet haþ vr kyng
Þe Testament of lyf:
Þis folk þat in þyn herying
Heer trauayleþ day bi day,
Mak þat þei haue no dredyng
Whon Iuge schal come verray.


Heil, for þou art help ful good
To hem þat han non hope;
Þou a-batest þe grete flood,
In tempest whon we ben lope:
To þat hauene þou vs brynge
Þat ay desyre schulde we,
In to þe siht vs offringe
Of þe heiȝe Trinite.
Heil in whom word made flesch
Dwelleþ, þat haþ mournyng
Of fallyng of Monkynde so nesch,
fforboden a treo touchyng;
Þat bouhte mon fro pyne of hel,
Þat þer schulde haue bi stoke;
Wiþ þe treo of lyf he heled wel
Þe vessel þat was broke.
Heil þorwh whom to god mekeliche
Men make confession,
And aftur þat mercifuliche
Graunteþ us remission:
Modur, þorwh þi preyere
Beo we so holpen a-way,
Þat wiþ crist and þe i-fere
Ioye we mowe haue ay.


Heil þorwh whom God cloþing
Of feirnesse tok at morwe,
Of Eue, vr modur, for us dying
He endet al þe sorwe,
Callynge aȝein vs to honour
Of vr furst springyng forþ,
And us sette, soffring hard schour,
In staat muche more worþ.
Heil modur of þe lord
Of Merci þat is parfyt:
Do wey my synnes of dedes and word,
And ȝif me good spirit,
Þat I may stonde wiþ cher gladyng
To-fore þe trone of blis,
Whon god schal come at þe endyng
To venge dedes mis.
Heil modur meke wiþ-oute debat,
Heil modur of Ihesu crist,
Þorwh whom to us þe Sabat
Is ȝiuen of verrey rist;
He hit is þat lyuereþ vs
In þe ȝeer of Iubilee:
Þerfore vchon as men ioyus
To him nou synge we.


Heil þorwh whom to vr lord
Men han lernd to synge
A newe song wiþ vois and word
Of heleþe him hery[i]nge,
Þat he wole, whon he comeþ aȝeyn
Þe world forte grete,
His ffadres schep þen in certeyn
To-gedere he wol gete.
Heil whos sone in pouste
Regneþ wiþ-outen ende,
To syke men mad is he
Medicyn, hem to mende;
Þe whuche of monkynde and diuyn
Maade an onynge,
And in his dyȝinge dude termyn
Þe terme of vre fallynge.
Heil þou þat of lecherie
ffeledest neuer no sturyng;
Þorwh þe þe lord of glorie
Maade hele to vr knowyng:
He tok al þing him vppon
Þat was of Monkuynde eke,
fforte helen hem euerichon
Þat in soule weren seke.


Heil þou þe sonne of rihtwysnes
Wiþ clene cloude huledest,
Made trone of grace and goodnes,
Trone of kyng hiȝist:
Vr flok forte defende
We prey þe wake and dawe,
Þat we mowe þriue and us amende
Wiþ ffulnesse of þe lawe.
Heil Modur swete, whos pite
May no mon þenke ne telle;
To seke men is ȝiue þorwh þe
An hele, soþ as gospelle:
Tac þou deuocions of vr þouht,
And of gladnesse tak hede;
Þe ioye euerlastynge forȝete þou nouht
To gete us to vr mede.
Hei[l] Modur child forþ bringynge
Aȝeynes comuyn custome,
Of Maydenhod ȝit stille holdynge
Clannesse wiþ-outen schome:
Of lawe and of þe Iuggement
Þat ilke brennynge hardnesse
Tempre þou wiþ good entent
Of Merci wiþ swetnesse.


Heil þorwh whom of pore men
Voyces heereþ of breþ
Þe sparwe in þe euene soleyn
Þat lyueþ aftur his deþ;
Þat wiþ peynes harde wassching
Þe gultus þat he nouht kneuh,
Þe ȝok of deþ for us dying
He al to-brac and dreuh.
Heil Modur þat aboute by-gon
Wiþ tytle of good blessynge,
Wiþ grace and vertues mony on,
Þorwh ȝiftus of vr kynge:
Resseyue þou vs þorwh þi goodnes
Wiþ plenteuous merci,
Chaungynge ur stat of wrecchednes
In to lyuyng holy.
Heil þou modur of grace,
Modur al-wey blessid [OMITTED]:
Þe Moles of vr crym, we prey,
Do wey, and vre trespas,
Þe Iuges harde biddynges verrey
Tempre þou in luytel spas.


Heil Modur of Sone i-blest,
Þorwh whom dyliuered beone
Þei þat wiþ crymes ben opprest,
And dampned wiþ-outen wene.
To him, þorwh hom euer-mo
Bondes of grace ben maade,
Meke him þou bynde us to,
Wiþ hem þat ben saue and glade.
Heil to whos sone in soþnes
We knowleche wiþ good fey,
Þat of Egiptus derknes
Þorwh him we ben [don] a-wey;
Þe whuche for vs haþ put a swerd
Vppon his syde ful riht,
And so igurt nis nouȝt a-ferd,
ffor vs redi to fiht.
Heil Modur of þe lord of al
Þat þe to-fore oþur haþ chosun;
Þat cumpaygnyes grete and smal
[Of] þe fendes dyȝinge haþ brokun,
And aftur þat helle visityng,
Þe rauynour drof a-way,


And fro þe chekes of þe Rauyning
Dyliuered us, whon he was pray.
Heil vr ioye and al vr blis,
Vr hope and eke vr lyf;
Þorwh whom to seke men heer is
Hele ȝiuen ful rif:
Þe comuyn lot nou of monkynde
Loke þat þou nouȝt forȝete,
And of þe lyf euer-lastinde
Þou bidde us to þe mete.
Heil þorwh whom þe lord of miht
On vs euere haþ merci,
Whos herying in Sone is riht
Reherced eft worþily;
Þe whuche whon he dredde no-þing
Iudas feyned cos,
To him-self he won heriing,
And ioye and blisse to vs.
Heil whos wombe was mad wiþ riht
Castel of feir dwellyng,
In whuche entred þe lord of miht
Toward batayle goyng;


Þat to him-self of wiþþes gret
Smart scourge made and hot
And his enemys so set
Vndur þe stol of his fot.
Heil þorwh whom þe getere
His sone sende bi-fore,
To whom he ȝaf þen powere
Aȝeyn-bugge þulke þat weren lore;
On whom whon þe fend ful fawe
His hond hedde set wiþ bost,
Þulke þat to deþ he hedde i-drawe
Vn-wityngliche he lost.
Heil sterre to vs schewyng
Springynge of verrey Sonne,
Of whom verrey lihtyng
To derknesse is bygunne.
Wheþer hit beo croked oþur vnriht
Þat þou fyndest in vr þouht,
Wiþ sum partye of þi lyht
Mak hit out beo brouht.
Heil Modur of þat childe
Þorwh whom is ȝiuen lyf;


Whos heryinge of children mylde
Preched is wel ryf:
Clannes of lyf wiþ-outen blame
To us be ȝiuen þorwh þe,
Þat of childhode in þe name
Beo-tokned is, parde.
Heil whos sone, whon he sweted
In his gret Agonye,
Þe séé to vs he halewed,
Pharao dreynt is at eiȝe;
He þat was maad preye, haþ preyed
Mihtiliche his preyour,
And so þe olde preyour is venquised
Of a Champioun of honour.
Heil, þou art rule of feiþ, parde,
And of þe pees disciplyn,
Makyng hony þou art þe Beo,
A Vyne eke heldyng out wyn:
Þe chalys of þe wyn so clere
ffulle to þi sones euene;
Out of þis valeye of serwes here
Translate us in to heuene.


Heil þou plentiuous vyn,
Tauht to forþfulle and dele
Wyn þat moysteþ men wyþ-in,
Þat wyn is al vr hele;
Wyn of whuche vr lord made game
And lauhtre eke to Saare,
Whon he bi-hiht to Habrahame
His seed schulde encrece mare.
Heil þorwh whom a Mon is maad
Kyng of heuene, and calle,
On whos heriinge crien ful sad
Of heuene þe voises alle:
Þe to herie bisi men hem make
Wiþ herte deuoutelye,
Til þat out of þis world us take
Aungeles Cumpaygnye.
Heil, þou art vyn of grace,
And vyne of hele al-one;
Þe whuche enuyround in al space
He þat is kernere-stone:
Hegge þou a-boute vr vyn-ȝard
Now in þis valey here,
Þat woodnes us hurte ne make aferd
Of þe wylde best singulere.


Heil þou bringere forþ so gent
Of men þat haue no synne,
In þe [wey] of good comaundement
Whos law es for to rinne.
Out of riht wey þat þei ne go
Þe feet of weyferynde,
Þat vs sore greueþ remoue also,
Þe burþun of hem þat synde.
Heil fro whom passed forþ ful fre
An aduoket mihti,
Þat determyned wiþ humilite
Vr olde dedes gulti;
Þorwh his help wiþ-outen mis
We þat dwellen heer al maate,
Beo we translated in to blis
Of wel better state.
Heil þou kynges Mayden wrouht,
Of þis world þou art liht:
Þe derknes of vr blynde þouht
Put þou a-wey wiþ miht;
Tech us in to þat hul wiþ game
Vr eȝen lufte on alle wyse,
In to whuche steih Abrahame
I-beden do sacrifice.


Heil þou, þat ioye and glad face
To þe world hast told,
Whon þat þou in þe word of grace
Brouht forþ a word ful bold;
Þe whuche whon he us bidde cum schal
To-fore his Mageste,
Of serwhful heryng boþe gret and smal
Vs nouht to drede mak he.
Heil Mayden maade chaumbre briht
Of Duyk þat sit an heih;
Þow out of derknesse of niht
Wrecches ledest wel sleih:
Þe eȝen of vr inward þouht
Lyft vp from slideri þinge,
Þat hit take hede wiþ al þe miht
To lyht euer-lastynge.
Heil Mayden, and Modur eke
Of grace, flowynge as flood,
Þorwh whom is maad boþe softe and meke
Þe noyse of peple wood:
We prey þe, kepe þou strongliche here
Þe feet of [vr] þouhtes longe,
Þat we mowe passe þe Riuere
Of þe watur stronge.


Heil hul ful heih of met
Of holiust beo-holdyng,
In whom vr hope is hollich set
Of vre vp-steihȝing:
ffrom al flescliche lykynge
And eke commocion
Diliuere us, þi sones makynge
So of adopcion.
Heil Modur euer flowyng
Wiþ ful plente of pes;
Þou art maad al counseylyng (!)
Of wrecches wiþ-outen lees:
Bring us to þat hauene hom
Of pees þat we desyre,
And ȝiue us alle ful fredom—
ffor þat is vre best hyre.
Heil kynges hous ful gay,
Þe whuche a kyng haþ buylded
Þat prince is of pees al-way
And ioye to world haþ schewed;
Þe whuche strengore in to þe halle
Entred of þe stronge,


Þe stronge byndyng he tok preies alle
Þat he hedde holden longe.
Heil Modur of þe lord so gent,
Of sones bringere forþ,
Wiþ sones mad feir verrement
Þou art fulliche, and worþ:
Graunt us alle vr lord to drede
Wiþ þouht peisiblement;
Vr weys loke þei ben dressede
To kepe his maundement.
Heil þorwh whom heore strengþes alle
Vr enemys han lost,
Vn-welde aren made and doun ek falle,
ffeble and doumbe of bost:
We preye þe, Mayden, swetliche,
To vr hele tak hede;
Mak vs siker verreyliche
Of þi defence at nede.
Heil þou berere of þe flour,
Of hos swete sauerynge
Tornen to lyf in an hour
Þe dede: take þe criinge


Of þulke þat preyen her to þe,
And make vs bi þat flour
Nouȝt to drede, but glad to bee
Of deþ wiþ good honour.
Heil to whos humilite
Þe kyng so wolde obesch
Þat þe chaumbre he made þe
Of word þat is mad flesch;
Þat him-self offred for vs
And tok vr caytyf dom,
Whon he ȝaf vs ful glorios
Aȝeyn to furste fredom.
Heil ȝerde of Iesse good of pith,
Þorwh whom is be-tyd
Þat to þe seed of Dauid
Sum-tyme þe fader heted:
Þorwh þe þerfore þe tyme of grace
ffolfulled is, serteynly,
ffor þorwh þe in vche place
ffadur of sones hath merci.
Heil, of grace þou art sterre
An oynement droppynge,


Þat, for vr þouhtes schulde not erre,
Makest studefast onynge:
Vs alle on and of on wille
To-gedere wel liuynge,
Mak vs, ladi, come þe tille
And of lyf haue blessynge.
Heil ioye of vs euerichon,
Hope of old hele and newe,
Steying vp to heuene-tron
Be de-grees of vertue:
Euere vs to helpe þou beo aboute,
ffor we han ben outrage;
And eke from vs loke þou schake oute
Þe harde ȝok of bondage.
Heil whos sone, ar he weore bore,
To make ioye him tauhte
Þat schulde prechynge go him beo-fore,
In wombe whon modur him auhte.
Teche vs vices to don a-way
And eke al vuel list,
Þat we atteyne euere and ay
To þe blessed siht of crist.
Heil Mayden, þou bar þat seynt
Þat dilyuered Israel,


And Pharao, suwyng hem, dreynt,
And his peple eueridel.
Worschipeþ God now euerichon,
And knowhlecheþ hertely
Þat he con worche wondres al-on,
ffor he is Almihti.
Heil þorwh whom þe Prince so strong
Ouercom his of Babilon,
And we han taken vp þe song
Of Iubilacion:
Þorwh grace of þe Merci fre
Of þy Moodurhede so swete
Lede vs aȝeyn to þe cuntre
Þat vs alle is by-hete.
Heil Modur deore wiþ honour,
Þat wiþ-outen schame
Maad Modur art of vr saueour,
And þat is þi riht name.
Keep he wel hem þat þe don herye,
Wiþ-inne and eke wiþ-oute,
Þorwh þe þat is remedie
Of vr serwes al-aboute.


Heil whos sone so deore
In pore monnes cloþing,
Beryng flesch among us here
Lyk to vr flesch takyng,
And so queyntelich a-wey put he
Vr Enemyes tricherye,
Whon he him-self soffred to be
Iugged þen forte dye.
Heil Modur of þe Sone,
At whos hard batayle
Deth outurliche was ouercome
And put a-louh saunȝ fayle:
Liuere us from vueles heer in londe,
And þe steppes of vr þyn[kyn]g
Dresse þou, on þe ffadres riht honde
And make þer vre sittyng.
Heil þorwh whom þe godhed is
Clad in flesch of Monkynde,
To bringe aȝeyn to lyf, i-wis,
Þe flemed and put be-hynde:
Vr Orison nou euer-mo
So dressed beo þorw þe,
Þat vr dedes suwynge also
Gete vs lyf of Charite.


Heil from whom forþ goynge
Þe geaunt of hond so strong,
Þat wel a-wakeþ þe slepynge
Of sleep of deþ so long:
Bryng us a-ȝeyn to cumpaygnye
Of felawschipe of heuene,
Þat wiþ hem þat lyuen murie
Vr place beo maad ful euene.
Heil Modur, tak wiþ mekenes
Preyeres þat i out helde,
Þat dreynt am in depnes
Of dunghul, and am vnwelde;
Clanse þe chaunbre of myn herte,
Drawyng from þe grounde
ffulþus þe whuche make me smerte,
Of whuche I ful abounde.
Heil, for þe child of Naȝareþ
Boren was feir of þe,
Þorwh whom, as þe bok seiþ,
Slayen was þe philistéé;
Hope of lyf þer-of takyng
Gulti mon wiþ glad mood,
“Dilyuere me,” wiþ voys criȝying,
“I-blessed beo, vr god.”


Heil þou from whom riht forþ went
Kyng of gret and smalle,
Whos kyngdom is verreyment
Kyngdom of worldus alle:
Gouerne and applye aftur þis
Vs to heore cumpaygnye
Of whuche þe heiȝeste ioye is
Euer-lastyng þyng to herye.
Heil, þorwh þe an helper good
Nou to þe peple is maad,
Þe kyng þat seiþ “I am god,
Nouȝt chaungynge, but al sad”;
Þat beo þe steppes of deþ is
Of deþes pursuwere
I-maad þe ȝiuere of blis,
Of freodam defendere.
Heil in whos heryinge
Gret dilyt men haue;
Þorwh hos heleful childynge
We bi-leeuen to beo saue
And [after] þis lyf corouned to be
Wiþ þe palm of blis,
Ȝif to þe lord of al pite
We us conforme as his.


Heil Moder wiþ grace Inome,
Worþi worschiped to be,
Þorwh whom enemys ben ouercome
And craft of malyngnite:
To caytiues heer now wiþ good wil
Of Pitéé scheuh þow þe signe,
And vs þen aftur þis exil
To good cuntre resynge.
Heil þorwh whom a-wey is don
Of monkynde oppressure;
Whos heryinges alouwed don sum (!)
Al-Maner creature:
Þe heryinges þat we offren to þe,
Tac good heede hem to take;
In blessedhed þat euer schal be
Riche men to dwelle vs make.
Heil welle of mekenes, certeyn,
Veyne of forȝiuynge,
Þorwh whom to us is ȝiuen aȝeyn
Þe song of lyf to synge:
Of sunnes vnbynd us euerichone,
And of peyne of synne,


And to þat place þou lede us sone
Þer Ioye and blisse is Inne.
Heil heriinge of trewe men,
Of holynesse þe clarte;
Vr lordes chaumbre men þe callen,
Trone of þe Maieste:
Pese þou to us þi sone so dere
Wiþ preyeres of pite,
Rewardynge þi seruauns here
Wiþ ȝiftus of liberte.
Heil, þou art þe blisse of heuene,
Of eorþe þe foundement;
Whos wombe is maad wiþ mylde steuene
Conteynyng þat is content.
Of þi grace graunte nou encresynge
To vs euerichon
Þat writen to þi worschipynge
Wiþ god deuocion.
Heil Mayden child beryng gent—
Comuyn maner þer was be-hynde;


ffor a Geaunt from þe forþ went
Þat is of double kynde:
On wrecches haue merci wiþ miht,
Help hem from oppressynge,
And translate us in to þe liht
Of blisse þat is comynge.
Heil Mayden, mihti of mood
Meoke mennes preyeres to here:
Þinges þat ben lykyng to god
Wiþ þe knowe we in-feere.
Whon þe Iuge schal come ful grim,
And day of wraþþe and doom,
On þe Iuges riht hond to hym
Comaunde us þenne to cum.
Heil kynnes-wommon of vr kynde,
Vr patrun in vche place,
Of alle wymmen þou art hauynde
Ȝiftus alle of grace:
Wiþ [þi] holy preyer [&] deseruyng
Gete us nou witerly
Þat vr þouht beo not to vuel doyng,
As hit is wont, to redi.
Heil to whos sone so dere
Angeles Cumpaygnye


“Sanctus” crien wiþ vois ful clere,
Bisiliche and heihe.
ffrom vices clans vs eueridel;
Þe kyndom eke of heuene
Mak us haue, wiþ seintes to dwel—
Gete us þat wiþ Mylde steuene.
Heil godus Modur! nou at þe last
Tac þou vre heryinge
Þat we offren to þe so fast;
To God vs presentynge
Þorwh þi pitéé, beo þou bysi,
Whon he schal come to dome,
Þat he us gedere for his merci
Wiþ his schep to beo nome.
Heil Mayden clene, God beryng,
Whom Ȝakarie to-foren
Preched, him fulli blessyng,
Of vp-risyng beo horn,
To goode men þat beo-het
To a-rise boþe more and lesse.
Þat he of resun vre feet
Þerto, þow preye, he dresse.


Heil whos soule wiþ a word
Wel gladed of Message,
Magnifieþ vr aller lord,
Þerfore meked in ȝong age.
Þorwh þat mekenes þou were mad gret,
God þou beere þerfore;
Of þe world þou art seid and met
Blessed and sely bore.
Heil, to þe temple whos sone is
Presented feir and bolde,
Helþe of folk schewed was i-wis
To Simeon þe Olde;
To pees him lafte he þouhte saunȝfayl,
Wheþer he schulde dye or liue.
To us þat pees aftur vre trauayl
ffor euere beo hit I-ȝiue.
Holy Mayden, tak þou goodly
Of þouht in priuete
Þe wordes þorwh whuche so bisyli
fforȝifnes i aske of þe,
And heer þe word þat i ofte sey,
Þat is þe swete Aue;
Mak me freo, nou I þe prey,
ffrom heui serwe to be.