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Mirrovr of new reformation

wherein reformers, by their owne acknowledgement, are represented ad viuum. The beauty also of their handy-worke is displayed

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Oecolampadius stil in outward shew
Vow'd himself confident that al was true
He either preach't or writ: but in his hart

Ioannes Cellarius, who by reason of this doubtfulnes of Oecolampadius forsooke the Sacramentaryes, heard him pray thus in his Chamber: O Lord God, if my cause be not true, doe not aduance it, I beseech thee. See Colloq. mens. Germ. fol. 356. see also Iohn. schutz. lib. ger 50. causar. caus. 15. H. 2.

doubted stil of some and no smal part.

Which priuate doubt (although he did pretend
Outward assurance)

Nicolaus Selneuerus, who witnesseth this his doubtfulnesse of the truth of his doctrine to haue remayned with him euen til his death, writes that he sayd thus in his sicknesse: O Lord Iesus Christ, reueale to me I beseech thee the truth, whether I haue hitherto spoken and written rightly of thy supper, or no; which shewes (sayth Selneuerus) that hitherto he hath built vpon the sand Seln. part. c. Enarat. Ger. in psal. fol. 215.

lasted til his end;

I meane til Sathan, for his goodly merits,
Vouchsaf't to

I am fully persuaded (saith Luther) that Emser and Oecolampadius, and such like were Suddainly slaine by those horrible blowes & shaking of the Diuel. Luth. tom. 7. fol. 230.

quit him of his vital spirits.

Shame not hereat; Luther thy ancient freind
Wil tel thee, 'twas an

I had rather be slaine by the diuel, sayth Luther, then by Cæsar: for so I should be slaine by a great Lord. Luth. colloq. mens. Serm. fol. 259,

honorable end.