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A neaste of vvaspes latelie fovnd out and discouered in the Law-countreys

yealding as sweete hony as some of our English bees [by William Goddard]

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[A Chauncery Clyent hauing spent his summs]

A Chauncery Clyent hauing spent his summs
Vnto a vsring broker sneaking comes
Broker saide hee t'is told me by a freind
That you vppon a sute good gold will lend
I haue a sute, faire, stronge, but verye deare
One that I've worne almost this twentie yeare
Which yet is freshe as when I firste did weare it

T'will weare-out me'till I've noe strengh to beare it.
A sute soe lastinge stronge thother replies?
Ile deale for it: where is it sir hee cries?
Why in the Chauncrye replies the clowne
There carelely my sutes throwne vp and downe
And therefore praie sir ridd me oft: The saie
Men of your trade soone ridd mens sutes awaie
The Broker scornfullie from him goes forth
And tells him those old sutes are little worth.