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XXIII. The hailsome admonitioun, &c.
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XXIII. The hailsome admonitioun, &c.

O lamp of licht and peirles Peirll of pryse!
O kenely Knicht, in martiall deidis most ding!
O worthy wicht, most vailȝeant, war, & wyse!
O Capitane, ay constant to the King!
O Lustie Lord, that will na wayis maling!
O Barroun bauld, of Cheualry the floure!
O perfyte Prouest, but maik into this Ring!
O gudely Grange, but spot vnto this houre!
I the beseik to call to memorie
The worthie deids done be that Prince sinceir,
King James the Fyft, quha restis in heuin so hie,
To the quha was his tender seruand deir;
How in the day he vsit the as his peir,
And luifit the so as man culd lufe ane vthir,
At nicht in bed his fellow and his feir,
Esteming the as thow had bene his brother;
And how his Sone, our Regent of Renoun,
That restis with God, quha did thir thingis persaif,
Thocht he be gone and with his fais put doun,
Ȝit in his lyfe he luifit the by the laif;


Ay geuing the quhat thing that thow wald haif,
Denying nocht that lay into his handis:
For thy seruice thy fie was not to craif,
Bot recompancit with gold, with geir, and landis.
And quhen the Duke put the to banischment,
And from the held thy landis mony ȝeir,
Thow knawis thy self gif he was diligent
To get thy peax, and slaik the of that weir,
And to the get thy lands, thy guds, and geir.
Thocht thair was sum that tuik thy rowmis in few,
Ȝit he to the gat thame, as is maist cleir,
To preif he was to the ane Maister trew.
Fra tyme the Lord did call him to that cure,
Into this Realme that he suld ring allone,
He the estemit of steidfast faith most sure,
Thairfoir that hauld, and worthie hous of stone
He gaif to the with Jowallis mony one,
As vnto him that he luiffit by the rest,
The quhilk in deid he wald haue done to none
Of all his brether that he luiffit best.
Seytoun, Schir James, bot & the Schiref of Air,
Efter the feild he gaif thame in thy cure;
The Duke him self and Hereis thow had thair,
For in thy handis he thocht thame ay most sure.
Sum said to him thairin he did Iniure
To put sa mony greit men in thy bandis:
His answer was, quhill that he might Indure,
His lyfe and all he wald put in thy handis.
Hauing this hauld, as I haue done declair,
In Counsell hous the Toun, with ane consent,
Cheissit the to be thair Prouest and thair Mair,
As man thairto meit and conuenient—


Quhilk office is in deid richt ancient—
Under the King this Burgh to reull and steir.
During thy office, culd thow stand content,
Thow micht to Lordis be perigall and peir.
Thir officis the farther did promote,
It neidis na preif, thy self will testifie,
Amang the Lordis thow gat baith place and vote,
At Secreit Counsall, in materis most hie;
Lyke as thame selfis sa thay estemit the
Into thair caus baith bent, Just, and vpricht.
Quhen tyme requyris, it suld Reuengit be:
Think on his deith, that brocht the to sic hicht.
In humbill wyse heirfoir I the Exhort,
With tentyue eir vnto my taill attend:
I the desyre thre thingis in termis schort,
First, in Gods caus be constant to the end;
Syne nixt, our King with all thy micht defend,
Himself, his lawis, his libertie, and Croun;
Thirdly, vnto the warld thow mak it kend,
He was thy Maister Bothwell-hauch put doun.
Into Religioun thow was richt feruent;
God gif the grace thairin to perseueir!
That tyme at Leith thair was na man mair bent;
During that Seige I saw the prick full neir.
Of lyfe nor landis that tyme thow tuik na feir,
Ay venturand quhair greitest war the dangeris,
For to set furth the word of God most cleir,
And for to freith thy Natiue Realme fra strangeris.
And now thow seis how mony dois maling,
Baith tyme and tyde schawand thair force & micht,
To that Intent that Jesabell suld Ring,
Quha wald suppres the word of God most bricht,


And from our King (allace) wald reif his richt,
Quhome to thay swore thay suld be alwayis trew;
Als dois defend with force baith day and nicht
Thay Tratouris strang, our Royall Regent slew.
The word of God for euer sall preuaill,
And als his Kirk sall haue the ouer hand.
Pharo and his he brocht in mekill baill,
Quhen he led Israell saif throw se and sand.
And als the Kingis Authoritie sall stand,
As Dauids did, thocht Saull did him molest:
Sa sall our King at lenth posses this land,
As vtheris hes, in quyetnes and rest.
This godly caus did euer prosper still,
Sen he was King, our Gouernour, and gyde.
Baith at Carbarry and the Langsyde hill,
The michtie God was euer on his syde.
Now in the North his fais thay durst nocht byde,
Quhair throw that pak did lois thair men of weir,
And, quhen thay war the last tyme vpon Clyde,
Thair durst na fa into thair sicht appeir.
Murther thow knawis will not vnpuneist be,
Nor neuer was sen Cayn Abell slew;
The Scripture plane the same dois testifie
That murtherars Gods wraith sall not eschew.
Sall thay eschaip murdreist our Regent trew,
Of vertewis well, of euerie vice denude?
Thocht thair war nane his deith that wald persew,
The michtie God he wald Reuenge his blude.
Dois thow not se ye hand of God agane yame,
Wirking thair wrak for breking his command?
Thocht Lethingtoun with tratling he do trane thame,
Garring thame trow the Frenche men is at hand,


And Duke De Alb ay reddy for to land,
With mony Hulk, on hicht of Arthure sait:
Quhill that tyme cum we sall lay on the wand,
And gar our fais gif clene ouir all debait.
Quhat neids ye skar, thocht Inglād do support vs,
To puneis sic as proudly dois Rebell?
That tyme at Leith thow knawis that did comfort vs,
And maid vs fre quhen strangers did vs quell,
And neuer socht na proffite to thame sell:
Thow neids not feir, that hous thay neuer craifit:
The Regent sayis, sa far as I heir tell,
Wald thow be trew thair can na better haif it.
Thocht at this tyme thow haif that warlyke craig,
And is in hart curagious and bald,
God will nocht mys to scurge the with a plaig,
Gif in his caus thow lat thy curage cald.
As thow may se, thick scurgis monyfald
Lich vpon thame that proudly dois disdane.
Except the Lord be watche man of the hald,
Quha walkis the same, thair laubour is in vane.
Thow hes bene ane sen first this caus began,
And als hes sene how God gart it proceid,
Heirfoir, I pray, ȝit do the thing thow can
Into Gods caus, and to Reuenge his deid.
And gif thow swerue, richt sair in hart I dreid
That sindrie sall thy doingis discommend.
Auise heiron, sen now is tyme of neid.
Mark weill, I pray, this Schedull that I send.

Imprentit at Edinburgh be Robert Lekpreuik Anno Do. M.D. LXX.