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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 27. Dominus, illuminatio.



The Lord my Saviour is my light,
of whom am I affraid?
The Lord is of my life the might,
by whom to be dismaid?


When wicked men with malice arm'd,
my foes in furie fell,
To eate my flesh, against mee swarm'd,
they stumbled, and they fell.


Encamp't against mee, not an host
should make my heart affraid;


Should warlike troupes fill every coast,
in this my trust is stai'd.


For one suit to the Lord I sue,
his house for life to hold:
Those beauties of the Lord to view,
his Palace to behold.


For his Pavillion will he spread,
in troublous time to hide;
And on a rocke advance my head,
in secret by his side.


Above my foes now round about,
my head shall be up-rais'd:
And Jah, with joy his tents throughout,
in hosts and hymnes be prais'd.


Unto my voice, O Lord, give eare,
upon thee when I call:
And my request in mercy heare,
but answer mee withall.


When, “Seeke my face thou saidst to mee,
with ecchoing touch of grace,
My heart advertis'd, answer'd thee,
“Lord, I will seeke thy face.


Thy face from mee then doe not hide,
thy seeker to defeat;
Nor from thy servant turne aside,
in thy displeasures heat.
My succour (not to be forgot)
thou hast been heretofore:
God of my health, now leave mee not,
forsake mee now no more.


Should mee my fathers wiser care,
my mothers love forsake:
Though she that bare mee, mee forbare,
the Lord would mee up take.



Teach mee, O Lord, thy way to tread,
where thy safe conduct lies;
And in the path of Rightnesse lead,
from my observers eies.


Give mee not to my foes desire,
for falshoods evidence;
With him against mee doth conspire,
that breath's out violence.


As I beleev'd, so faith to mee
did firme assurance give,
The goodnesse of the Lord to see,
within their land that live.


Attend the Lord with courage bold,
be strong, and stay the end:
Confirme thy heart to hold thy hold,
upon the Lord attend.