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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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24 Of Madam Dondrages with her faire brest.
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24 Of Madam Dondrages with her faire brest.

A fauorite of Charles late King of France,
Disporting with the King one day by chance,

Madam Dondrages came among the rest,
All bare, as still she vsed all her brest.
The King would needs haue notice of his Minion;
Of this free Dame what was his franke opinion?
I say, and dare affirme, my liege, quoth he,
That if the crupper like the pettrell be,
A King a Loue I worthy can account,
Vpon so braue a trapped beast to mount.