University of Virginia Library

Canzon. 24.

[Vnto the Muses I resigne my skroule]

Vnto the Muses I resigne my skroule,
Who sing with voyce vnto the spheares proportionable
Sing ye, oh write ye of my loues pure soule,
Vnbody it, in words inimitable.
In high spheare then see ye her name inrold,
On her heart throne sits the deuine Astræa,
Who doth the ballance of her fauors hold,
Which she imparts in iustice and demerit:
For virgin puritie white Galatæa
Doth type the sanctitie of her purer spirit,
She the fourth grace hight Pasithæa
Only recorded by our first borne sonne,
Whom after long sleepe we shall now vntoombe,
And her translate into Zepheria,
Amidst the Charites possesse thy roome,
Thia in heart, zealous Vrania,
The soules Musition sweete Thelxione,
Daughter of loue and admiration.
A vayle immortall shall we put on thee,
And on thy head instarre the gnosian Crowne:
Ariadne doth her selfe vndeifie,
Yeelding her coronall to thine installation.
Now liue in starry stage of heauen a deitie,
And sing we Io Zepheria all in a rowne:
Hold take thy skroule with wing of immortallitie,
Thy loue is clad, nay ought may her vnsanctifie
But proud disdaine; thanks sweet Caliope.