University of Virginia Library


VPON THEE DEATH OF THEE right honourable thee Lord Girald fitz Girald L. Baron of Offalye, who deceased at S. Albans in thee yeere 1580. thee last of Iune, thee xxj. yeere of his adge.

Soomtyme liu'lye Girald in graue now liu'les is harbourd.
A matchlesse gallant, in byrth and auncetrye nobil.
His nobil linnadge Kyldaer with Mountegue warrants.
Proper in his person, with gyfts so hym nature adorned.
In valor and in honor, wel knowne too no man vnequal.
And a true sound subiect, to his Prince most faythful abyding.
Theese not with standing his liefe too to hastelye vannisht.
Nipt were thee blossooms, eare fruictful season aproched.
Wherefor his acquayntaunce his death so vntymelye bewayleth.
Maynoth lamenteth, Kilka and Rathangan ar howling.
Nay rather is mated bye this hard hap desolat Ireland.
Such claps of batter that seally vnfortunat Island.
O that I thy prayses could wel decipher in order,
Lyke Homer or Virgil, lyke Geffray Chauncer in English:
Then would thy Stanyhurst in pen bee liberal holden.
Thee poët is barrayn, for prayse rich matter is offred.
Heere percase carpers wyl twight his iollitye youthful.
Strong reason vnstrayned that weake obiection aunswers.
Hee must bee peerlesse who in yong yeers faultles abydeth.
Such byrds flee seldoom, such black swans scantlye be floating.
Jn world of mischiefe who finds such glorius angels?
Soom stars passe oothers; al perls doe not equalye luster.
Thee soundest wheatcorne with chaffy filthod is husked:
What shal I say further, this loare diuinitye telleth;
Vertuus hee liued, through grace that vertuus eended.
What may be then better, than a godly and gratius vpshot?
Too God in al pietee, too Prince in dutye remayning.
Whearefor (woorthye Girald) syth thy eend was hertye repentaunce,
Thy soul God gladdeth with saincts in blessed Olympus,
Thogh tumbd bee carcasse in towne of martyred Alban.