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The Night Raven

By S. R. [by Samuel Reynolds]

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A mad voyage for old Moones.

A Marchant lost by shipwracke all he had,
And therevpon he tell distracted mad,
But in the humors of his franticke fits,
He plotted matters did amaze good wits,
As to haue plowes to goe with canuas sayles,
And meate well boyld, and sod in wooden payles,
With many matters he did strange, proiect,
Whereof a number came to some effect,
But a rare voyage came at last in's head,
Should stand the commonwealth in wondrous stead
Onely one trade he would vndoe thereby,
(The Chaundlers he did hate exceedingly)
And therefore (quoth he) to his friends, you know
That euery moneth there doth a new Moone grow,
And then the old giues place to that, you see,
Ile make a voyage, where the old ones be,
(You cannot be in th' Indies halfe so soone,)
Then will I sell to euery man a Moone,
And that shall giue him all his life time light
And thus ile begger all the Chaundlers quite.