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Aduice to Mourners.

You that do follow Diues bones,
When he with Hell-hounds, howles and grones,
For casting all Gods feare aside:
Liuing as he should ne're haue dy'd:
Well may you weare your blacke attire;
For vtter Darknesse doth require,
Such sable colours should be worne,
For them that do eternall mourne.
But when a greedy Churle is dead,
That nere gaue poore man peece of bread,
The poore to mourne, I would not haue:
For he is best, when's in his Graue,
Because like Hogg that's fed in Stye,
Hee's neuer good vntill he die:
And then as Swine do yeeld man foode,
(That did in life more hurt then good)
So their goods Fly abrod as then,
Perhaps to hands of better men:
Who put that wealth to honest vse,
Was sinfull gott, by soules abuse.