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Philoparthens louing Folly. Wherevnto Js Added Pigmalions Image. With The Loue of Amos and Lavra. And also Epigrammes by Sir I. H. and others. Neuer before imprinted

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Of Faustus, a stealer of Verses.

Of Faustus, a stealer of Verses.

I heare that Faustus oftentimes rehearses
To his chaste Mistresse certaine of my Verses:
In which, by vse, so perfit he is growne;
That shee, poore foole, doth thinke they are his owne.
I would esteeme it (trust me) grace, not shame,
If Danyel, or if Dauies did the same.
Nor would I storme, or would I quarrels picke,
I when I list, to them could doe the like.
But who can wish a man a fouler spight,
Then haue a blinde man take away his sight?
A begging theefe is dangerous to my purse,
A beggage Poet to my Verse is worse.