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The more, I muse, the more I may,
Till night, ends in eternal day:
For, ev'ry hour, brings forth new things,
From whence, new matter dayly springs,
Whereof, I shall but speak in vain,
Whilst my Corruptions do remain:
But, when I must depart to Him,
Who nor begun, nor ends in Time,
And, hence, quite out of sight, am gone,
My words will more be thought upon.
Or they (when recknings are set right)
Will help make measure and full weight.
Ensuing times, will useful make them,
Tho I, (in scoff, call'd Prophet) spake them:
And, when of nothing, I have need,
They, paradventure, or their seed,
Who in my life-time, have undone me,
Will (dead) bestow a Grave upon me;
As they that (issuing from their wombs
Who slew them) built the Prophets tombs.