An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament written in Sternholds meter by VV. Samuel |
An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament | ||
Esay the Prophet
The i. Chapiter.
All creatures he dooth wil to bear,record what he shall say:
How god had been vnto the Iewes
ful merciful alway.
But seeing God they did not fear,
he threatneth them ful sore:
That God would ease him on his greef
yet sauing some in store.
The ii. Chapiter.
Before he telth by Prophesie,how that the Gentiles all:
Should be conuerted to the Lord,
and woorship him they shall.
Laying aside all variance,
and strife against the Lord:
But Israel should plagued be,
because he was vntoward.
The iii. Chapiter.
Cast out he would the heads and cheef,of all among the Iewes:
And send them children for to rule,
he telleth them this newes.
their rulers went astray:
Their women eke should baldnes haue,
whose tussocks had been gay.
The iiii. Chapiter.
Destruction shall so light on themtheir men shall so decay:
That wemen seuen shall take one man,
to be to them a stay.
But after this the Lord shall turn
his heauy wrathful hand:
And cause the remnant of the Iust,
in peace to haue the land.
The v. Chapiter.
Esay dooth now begin to sing,a song for to describe:
The Churche how like a vine it is,
wel fenst on euery side.
But no good grape yet did it bear,
but braunches foorth it brought:
So curseth hee their greedines,
excesse and things they wrought.
The vi. Chapiter.
Ful power he hath to ProphesieGod sitting in his throne:
their sinnes him self alone.
Their eares they stopt they would not hear
their hartes they were so hard:
They had no awe vnto his woords,
they did him not regard.
The vii. Chapiter.
Go tel the King, God said to himthe enemies shall not harm:
That Iuda haue conspired to hurt,
regard not thou the swarm.
A signe was giuen a virgin should,
conceiue and bear a childe:
So long before of Christe he tolde,
whose comming should be milde.
The viii. Chapiter.
How Israel and Iuda bothe,as captiues should be led:
Th'Assirians power he telth before,
who should of them be hed.
And how that Christe moste holy then
should be a stumbling stone:
Exhort he dooth to godlines
the faithful euery one.
The ix. Chapiter.
yet vnto light they shall:
Be calld by Christe who is the God,
that ruleth ouer all.
To the ten tribes he telth before,
that they should be cast out:
Because they did contemn the Lord,
and were so proud and stout.
The x. Chapiter.
Knowe wo and pain they shall that doomake lawes the poore to noy:
Th'Assirian prince should plague his churche
and God would him destroy.
And yet to comfort his elect,
a remnant he dooth say:
For all the spoile should yet be sau'de,
and kept vntil a day.
The xi. Chapiter.
Lineally how Christe should come,of Iesses stock he telth:
And of his vertues and his power
whiche far alone excelth.
The mightie power shalbe ful milde
at time when he shall reign:
His freendes shall floorish his foes shal fear
their brags shalbe but vain.
The xii. Chapiter.
Muche laud & praise shal then be madeand sing they shall with cheer:
Though God was angry with his flock,
yet mercies now appeer.
And saying we saluation may,
now hope to draw from him:
His name we wil set out and praise
let Sion sing this himn.
The xiii. Chapiter.
Now dooth he tel how God should call,the Medis in their might:
The Persians eke for to appeer
his battail for to fight.
For to destroy the Babel power,
and bring their pride ful lowe:
And all their fame and progeny,
out right to ouerthrowe.
The xiiii. Chapiter.
One cause he telth why Babilon,should so destroyed be:
Because the Iewes there captiues were
but so should be set free.
And how he should derided be,
and come vnto his end:
no ioy should apprehend.
The xv. Chapiter.
Perfourm would God yet further moreand Moab would he smite:
Their cheefest townes should taken be,
and spoild from them by might.
Their riuer great should stayned be,
with blood of their owne stock,
Their ruine should on them so light,
for hurting of his flock.
The xvj. chapiter.
Quit him now God dooth ful intend,of Moab for his pride:
Because his Churche they would not help
when hurtes did them betide.
Their pride therfore shall haue a fall,
he telleth to them plain:
In three yeeres space the multitude
should taken be or slain.
The xvii. chapiter.
Rewarded should Damascus bethe Sirians he dooth mean:
And Ephraim that did decline,
should neee be wasted clean.
their straying so from God:
A forren power shall them inuade,
but sudenly forbod.
The xviii. Chapiter.
Suche ships as sayled on the sea,by Ethiopia might:
He wilth to flee with wings of sailes,
to tel the world the plight.
That Israel was brought vnto,
for breaking of their law:
How Gentiles should be calld to grace,
and stand of God in awe.
The xix. Chapiter.
The burden of the heauy plague,that Egipt should sustain:
By Assirian power because they put,
their trust in Idols vain.
Yet shall the Lord giue them his law
and Assur eke the same:
And Israel in midst of them,
these three shall praise his name.
The xx. Chapiter.
When woords would not make them beleeuewhat Esay then said:
that so they should be paid.
For three yeeres space th'Assirians should
the Ethiopians broile:
And Egipt land likewise subdue.
not sparing bothe to spoile.
The xxj. chapiter.
Again he telth how Babilon,should quite be ouerthrowne:
Babel is falne, Babel is falne,
so should the noyes be blowne.
Idumea and Arabie,
the like should them befall:
The Medes and eke Persians,
should bring them in to thrall.
The xxii. chapiter.
Because Hierusalem did trust,in walles and diches deep:
Therfore the Prophet telth their fall,
whiche causeth him to weep.
And how that Sobna had him made,
a Sepulture in vain:
For why as captiue he should die,
with tossed life in pain.
The xxiii. Chapiter.
the pride of Tirus town:
The marchants that had world at wil,
should be of small renown.
And yet when yeeres are past and gone,
that for her plague are sent:
Shee should again to former state,
be set and so repent.
The xxiiii. chapiter.
Declare he dooth that God wil curse,and strike the earth for sin:
Bothe hed and foot none should escape,
when that he dooth begin.
And yet not so but that a few,
should wel escape the same:
Unto the end that they might shew
the prayses of his name.
The xxv. Chapiter.
Exalt he dooth the Lord aboue,and praise him euermore:
For punishing the wicked so,
whiche set not by his lore.
And for the sparing of his flock,
and forcing foes to vade:
By similitude vnto his saints,
a feast to them he made.
The xxvi. Chapiter.
Faithful men heer sing to their God,and doo therin confesse:
Their sauing helth to come from him,
and eke also their peace.
And how the dead in perfet shape,
shall rise out of the dust:
And how the Lord shall visit them,
that in him had no trust.
The xxvii. Chapiter.
God wil destroy Leuiathan,the Deuil and all his might:
And wil defend his vine the Churche,
and purge her in his sight.
Then shall shee render to the Lord,
his laudes with willing wil:
When from their foes they be returnd,
vnto his holyhil.
The xxviii. Chapiter.
How God would plague the Israelites,who wine so fast did drink:
That drunkennes they wayed more,
then on his law to think.
The stumbling stone that he would lay,
and woork his wil when hee:
how euery thing should be.
The xxix. Chapiter.
Ierusalem shall punisht be,their sacrifice shall ceace:
Their aulter shall oreturned be,
their foes on them shall preace.
With lips alone and dreames of men,
because they did him serue:
He would them strike and yet of looue,
some seed he would preserue.
The xxx. chapiter.
Knowing that they at Egipt sought,for help in their distresse:
And that they did the Prophets mock,
whiche sought them to redresse,
Therfore he telth destruction,
to light vpon the swarme:
But yet all suche as doo repent,
he saith shall take no harme.
The xxxi. Chapiter.
Likewise the Lord dooth curse all thē,that doo his help forsake:
And put their trust in man or horse,
fore him that did them make.
to them that wil amend:
And cast their Idols quite away,
on whom they did depend.
The xxxii. Chapiter.
Muche good dooth come when rulers goodhaue place to sit & Iudge:
The nature of a churle is suche,
against the poore to grudge.
That careles wemen shall lament,
the ruine shalbe suche:
But when that Christ shal come to reign
their comfort shalbe muche.
The xxxiii. Chapiter.
No gain at all shall they obtain,that doo the Churche molest:
When they haue spoild & doon their wil,
God wil their deeds detest.
And giue vnto his flock a pause,
while he dooth strike their foes:
That better they may keep his lawes,
that all their dooings knowes.
The xxxiiii. chapiter.
Of very looue that God dooth bear,to his elected sorte:
to bate the wicked porte.
And so destroy the cursed train,
their Cittie so deface:
That Oule & Rauen with Ziim and Lim,
shall there haue dwelling place.
The xxxv. chapiter.
Perfet good ioy, beleef in Christe,to suche that heer doo dwel:
Dooth bring to them their office tolde
that preache to men Gospel.
And eke the frute of those that hear,
the preching of it right:
To Sion shall they turn again,
and that in ioyful plight.
The xxxvi. Chapiter.
Questionles the pride was great,of Rabsaketh the Prince:
He thought by threats to make ye Iewes,
not able for to quinche.
Blaspheming God with spiteful taunts
and bragging in the might:
Of his great King Senacherib,
he spake his speeche in spight.
The xxxvii. Chapiter.
axt councel of Esay:
Who tolde him plain he need not fear,
the Lord his foes would pay.
Senacherib blasphemde again,
then Ezechiah praid:
An Angel did his foes destroy,
so fel it as was sayd.
The xxxviiii. Chapiter.
So sick then fel Ezechiah,God did him helth restore:
And caused him prolong his yeeres,
for fifteen had he more.
Then gaue he thanks vnto the Lord,
when signe of helth he saw:
And leaues of Figs vnto his pain,
were layd his sore to drawe.
The xxxix. chapiter.
Then was the King reprooued muche,Ezechiah by name:
For shewing of his treasures great,
to men that were of fame.
And that was to Embassadours,
that came from Babilon:
Therfore the Prophet Esay saith
thou shalt be wo begon.
The xl. Chapiter.
Whiche way our sinnes remitted be,by Christe he telth before:
And of Iohn Baptist he dooth shew,
and what shalbe his lore.
Rebuking eke Idolaters,
describing them ful plain:
And eke all those whiche God forsook,
and man dooth trust ful vain.
The xli. Chapiter.
Alone dooth God his people chuseand that of mercy meer:
They beeing those among them selues
eche one dooth other cheer.
With comfort he dooth comfort them
their Idolles are but vain:
No things to come can tel but God
ne make that douts be plain.
The xlii. Chapiter.
Beholde he wilth that ready prestis Christe for to obay:
In humblenes by suffering wise,
for our offence to pay.
The deafe, the blinde, and prisoners,
with suche like to releeue:
vnto the right beleeue.
The xliii. Chapiter.
Cast care aside and haue good hope,let nought make you afraid:
Thou Iacobs house, for I thy God,
wil surely be thyne ayd:
Alone I wil thy foes confound,
and eke also remit:
Thy sin my self of my good wil,
and think no more of it.
The xliiii. Chapiter.
Doo dout away, be of good cheer,yet once again my flock:
I am the same that alwayes hath,
born looue vnto your stock.
The Image and the woorkmaster,
are vain and perishe shall:
Though they be false he wil perfourm,
his seruants sayings all.
The xlv. Chapiter.
Erect a King he would, that should,set free his Churche at large:
Cirus by name was he that should
receiue of God the charge.
that ruleth ouer all:
Who wil so woork that euery knee,
shall down before him fall.
The xlvi. Chapiter.
Falne flat to ground is Babilon,their Idols eke of golde:
Are beaten down whiche in the streetes,
their shoulders vp did holde.
The Iewes he calth that they should mark
his woorkes of wūders wrought:
His Iustice and his mercy bothe,
should soon to them be brought.
The xlvii. Chapiter.
God now dooth tel why Babel great,should once be set a side:
Because that shee no mercy shewd,
when Iuda shee did guide.
And for their pride and bragging boste,
and eke her foolishe trust:
That in enchaunting shee did put,
now feel her fall shee must.
The xlviii. Chapiter.
He telth of their Hipocrisie,and dooth the same reprooue:
so mooued by his looue.
Exhorting them to worship him,
for that to him is due:
So would he out of Babilon,
deliuer all their crue.
The xlix. Chapiter.
I doo exhort yee nations all,that yee beleeue and holde:
The promises whiche God hath plight
and often to you tolde.
For sauing helth vnto you all,
if you the same beleeue:
By Christe and eke deliuerance,
from foes yee shall atcheeue.
The l. Chapiter.
Knowne vnto God was wel the causewhy he the Iewes forsook:
The cause was their Iniquitie,
the whiche in hand they took.
Yet should they knowe the power of God
not minisht long to be:
Christe shall obay and vpper hand,
of foes attain shall he.
The li. Chapiter.
in Abraham was found:
For I am hee, thus saith the Lord,
that shall thy foes confound.
Though scourged be Hierusalem,
yet shall their woful crosse:
Be profitable vnto them,
therby to haue no losse.
The lii. Chapiter.
Make mery yee my people all,captiuitie is past:
And ioyful freedome ye shall haue,
giuen vnto you at last.
His messengers he wil send out,
their beautie shall excel:
But one of all aboue the rest,
shall bear away the bel.
The liii. Chapiter.
Not one almoste that should beleeue,in Christe because that hee:
So simple should appeer to men,
and in suche pouertie.
And yet him self should bear away,
our sinnes vpon the crosse:
And eke the pain vnto them due,
so paying all our losse.
The liiii. Chapiter.
Of Gentiles mo the Gospel shall,imbrace, then of the Iewes:
And frute shall bring accordingly,
as hearers of suche newes.
So God his people wil forsake,
and stand aside a while:
But yet at length he wil return,
and freendly on them smile.
The lv. Chapiter.
Proclaim he dooth, who so is dry,come drink withouten cost:
And pay no more to stay your thirst,
your labour is but lost.
Draw neer to God while he is nie,
and doo away your sin:
His woord shall not out from him passe,
but somewhat it shall win.
The lvi. chapiter.
Quēche not the right, let Iustice passeto Iudges he dooth speak:
And saith for all, his house shalbe,
therin their plaintes to break.
The watche men blinde as Dogs are dum
they wake but for their gain:
there in is all their pain.
The lvii. Chapiter.
Righteouse men God taketh hence,lest they of plagues should taste:
Whiche he preparde to punishe sin
vpon the earth to cast.
Idolatrers they be rebukte,
for seruing Idols vain:
No peace can be to wicked men,
but war and endles pain.
The lviii. Chapiter.
Spare not but cry should ministers,as watche men should they blowe:
And tel the people their offence,
not sparing hie or lowe.
How Hipocrites look all for meed,
in fasting of their fast:
Of violence and dooing wrong,
suche food we should not taste.
The lix. Chapiter.
The wicked by his wickednes,doothe perishe and decay:
But godly men their sin confes,
and so are doon away.
when strength of man dooth faile:
His woord adioyned to his spirite,
shall ouer all preuaile.
The Lx. Chapiter.
Unto the knowledge of the truthe,the Gentiles shall be brought:
And heapes of them should come to god,
as one that hath them bought.
And Sion that forsaken was,
and often had il luck:
Should be refresht wt paps of Queenes,
for on them should shee suck.
The Lxi. Chapiter.
Anointed Christe is sent to preachethe wretched to releeue:
And sauing helth to giue to them,
whiche on him doo beleeue.
For whiche the faithful doo reioyce,
and lauds vnto him bring:
He shall cause vertue in his Churche,
abundantly to spring.
The Lxii. Chapiter.
Behold the day right fain they wouldwherin that they might see:
set them at large and free.
Good pastours ceasse not for to preache,
and teache the way aright:
How people shall escape the rod,
that els on them should light.
The lxiii. Chapiter.
Come foorth and doo his feat aloneshall God, his Churche to saue:
And in his wrath tread down the foes,
that gainst his flock did raue.
Great benefits of his meer looue,
to his stil shew he dooth:
Though Abram doo not knowe our state
yet God it kens forsooth.
The lxiiii. Chapiter.
Direct he dooth to God his speeche,his prayers dooth begin:
Intreating not that he would think,
vpon the peoples sin.
But rather that of him they might,
some succour feel and taste:
In waying how their church was burnt,
and Cittie lay ful wast.
The lxv. Chapiter.
him seek and eke imbrace:
And how that Iewes for scorning him
should be set in their place
Muche ioy the chosen should atcheeue,
where as contrary wise:
Great punishement shall on them light,
that doo his name despise.
The Lxvi. Chapiter.
Ful hie abooue God hath his seat,and eke in hart of man:
And not in temple made by men,
and sacrifices than.
He dooth mislike when mercy wantes:
oppressed he releeues:
The wicked with eternall pain,
by Iustice stil he greeues.
Thus haue you heard this Prophet speak,
of Christe his kingdome muche:
Rebuking sin with threats ful sore,
against bothe poor and riche.
And how the Iewes should feel the stroke
of Gods ful mightie hand:
By spoiles and waste that forren foes
should make within their land.
And yet not quite forsaken should,
they be, when they did yeeld:
But be restorde and turne againe,
their Cittie for to build.
And that their foes whiche once did flowe,
and floorishe in their fume:
At length should stoup and to them bow,
and should no more presume.
To doo them harme, and some of them
should quite their Kingdomes leese:
And heaps of Gentiles God should serue,
ful humbly on their knees.
For magistrates that Iudge not iust,
and Prelates in their pride:
And people stout with necks ful stiffe,
he telth what shall betide.
Now Ieremy shall shew him self,
what God by him did speak:
VVho very yong was sent of God,
his minde to Iewes to break.
And fortie yeeres he prophesied,
fiue Kings were come and gone,
At home he taught and eke abroad
to them at Babilon.
of Christe his kingdome muche:
Rebuking sin with threats ful sore,
against bothe poor and riche.
And how the Iewes should feel the stroke
of Gods ful mightie hand:
should make within their land.
And yet not quite forsaken should,
they be, when they did yeeld:
But be restorde and turne againe,
their Cittie for to build.
And that their foes whiche once did flowe,
and floorishe in their fume:
At length should stoup and to them bow,
and should no more presume.
To doo them harme, and some of them
should quite their Kingdomes leese:
And heaps of Gentiles God should serue,
ful humbly on their knees.
For magistrates that Iudge not iust,
and Prelates in their pride:
And people stout with necks ful stiffe,
he telth what shall betide.
Now Ieremy shall shew him self,
what God by him did speak:
VVho very yong was sent of God,
his minde to Iewes to break.
And fortie yeeres he prophesied,
fiue Kings were come and gone,
At home he taught and eke abroad
to them at Babilon.
An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament | ||