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The Sixth Persecution.

Dead Alexander lets th'Imperiall Mace
Fall unto Maximinus who tooke place,
Who did the Vulcan at hells Bellows keep
Blowd up the fire of Persecutions Deep,
Chiefly against the Ministers that so
He might the Cause the sooner overthrow.
Its thought those Martyres in the Cause of Grace
In Alexanders reign should take this place.
But Origens assayes of Martyredome
Touching these dayes now lost, we have no sum.


Hereof laid down before us. Next slips in

One Gordian to turn the Royall Rim
Imperiall and gently moude the same.


Yet Philip slew him and the throne did gain

Who was by Origen and Fabian
Much labourd with and made a Christian
Converted and baptizd, he and all his,
And seing he had greatly done amiss
The Church would in no wise receive him in
Without Confession of his Faith, and Sin.
The former persecution took away
Hippolytus and heaps lay slain they say.
But Philip making better dayes was slain


By Decius soon who did the Empire gain.