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On the Fortifications began by Women upon Boston Neck.

A Grand attempt the Amazonian dames,
Contrive, whereby to glorify their names.
A Ruffe for Bostons Neck of mud and turfe,
Reaching from side to side, from surfe to surfe.
Their nimble Hands spin up like Christmass Pies.
Their pastry by degrees on high doth rise.
Their Wheeles at home count it an Holyday
While Mistresses are working they may play.
A tribe of Peticoates with manly hearts,
Forsake at home their Pasticrust and Tarts:


To knead the dirt, their Samplers down they hurle,
Their undulating Silks they closely furle.
The Pickaxe one as a Commandress holds,
Another at her awkness gently scolds.
One holds her side, while Hypocondrick fumes,
Do tympanize her Pericardian roomes
This puffs and sweats, the other grumbles why
Can't you promote your work so fast as I.
Some dig and delve, while others hands do feel,
The little Waggons weight with single wheel;
And least some fainting fit, the weak surprize,
They want not Sack and Cakes; they are more wise.
These brave Essays drew forth mens nervous hands,
More like to Daubers than to Martial Bands.
These do the work and sturdy Bulwarks raise,
But those who first began deserve the praise.