University of Virginia Library

Then oh, my friends! the task of glory done,
Th' immortal prize by your bold efforts won;
Your country's saviours, by her voice confess'd,
While unborn ages rise and call you blest—
Then let us go where happier climes invite,
To midland seas, and regions of delight;


With all that's ours, together let us rise,
Seek brighter plains and more indulgent skies;
Where fair Ohio rolls his amber tide,
And nature blossoms in her virgin pride;
Where all that beauty's hand can form to please,
Shall crown the toils of war with rural ease.
The shady coverts and the sunny hills,
The gentle lapse of ever-murm'ring rills,
The soft repose amid the noon-tide bow'rs,
The evening walk among the blushing flow'rs,
The fragrant groves that yield a sweet perfume,
And vernal glories in perpetual bloom,
Await you there; and heav'n shall bless the toil,
Your own the produce, as your own the soil.