University of Virginia Library


The Milky Way, (Wilson
Hall; 4:30, 7:30, & 9; series
pass). Directed by Luis Bunuel,
with Laurent Terzieff and Paul
Frankeur. "... a symbolic
history of the Roman Catholic
Church in Europe, told in
terms of its progress though
the heresles and schisms...Two
present-day tramps, a young
man and an old man...start
from Paris on foot to visit the
tomb of the Apostle James in
Spain...En route they meet a
number of odd people and are
involved in a lot of strange
incidents... The tramps never
meet the Holy Family, but
there is a near miss." –
Kauffmann. "But that white
eye-lid of the screen reflects its
proper light, the Universe
would go up in flames." –

Funny Girl, (Barracks
Road; 1,3:40, 6:20, &9; $2,
except Good Neighbor Hour,

Poswsible Superfly,