University of Virginia Library

Bernstein Sparkles

Mr. Truax was profuse in his
praise of the bench, singling
out Bernstein, a 5-11 guard,
"Dan has done a great job for
us all year; he should play a lot
against Maryland." Bernstein
helped Andy Boninti guide the
attack against Tech and his two
clutch free throws in the
closing seconds helped cement
the victory.

Pacing the Virginia scoring
effort was Boninti who, in
addition to yeoman duty
bringing the ball upcourt for
the Cavayearlings, pumped in
11 of 19 shots from the field
and scored 28 points. Gerard,
suffering one his coldest
shooting nights of the year,
collected 14 points; Tiley
contributed 13, and Spencer
Graham and Bonner each had
12 for the Cavalier cause. Dan
Wiggins paced the Goblets with
26 points.

Although the first-yearmen
had drubbed Tech in
Charlottesville, 95-78, Mr.
Truax heaped little blame on
his players. The loss of three
starters plus the Goblets' good
shooting, defense and
teamwork were enough to
explain the difference between
the two scores.