University of Virginia Library

Hot Poodah
On Coeds,

(The following article recently
appeared in the Georgetown Law
Weekly and is reprinted below in
the public interest.



Mary Mumford
Dormitory-home of U.Va. nurses.
World famous back rubs, BYO
Jergen's lotion:

Poe's-on the "corner," across from
the Rotunda at U.Va.-draft beer,
college atmosphere

Zodiac-Route 29 North of
Charlottesville-mixed drinks, hard

Sugar Hollow-follow Barracks
Road West from C'ville until it
peters-out in the woods near scenic
waterfall, bring blanket, bring beer,
step over half of U.Va. student

Twice a year the American
Legion holds its fair (affectionately
known as the Hair Fair) outside the
C'ville city limits. It offers anything
Baltimore's "Block" has and at
much more reasonable prices.

U.Va. is just now experiencing
its second year of coeducation and
the young ladies on the grounds are
still not popular with traditional
Virginia Gentlemen. On weekends
the majority of dates are still
imported from surrounding girl's
schools and U. Va. Coeds are left
sitting in the dorm...last minute
dates are not at all hard to obtain
on party weekends.

Virginia's 35 fraternities offer a
variety of entertainment and liquid
refreshment-including yucca flats
(4-gal. grain alcohol, unsweetened
grapefruit juice, one pound sugar).
These parties are often carried into
the streets and offer ample
opportunity for friendly
intercourse with fellow students
and townspeople.