University of Virginia Library

Prism Seminars Premier
With Faculty Readings

On Monday night, at eight, the
University Union will sponsor a
poetry and fiction reading by Peter
Taylor, Anne Winters, and Alan
Williamson, at the Prism
Coffeehouse on Rugby Road. It
will be the first in a series of
seminars at the Prism which the
Union hopes will provide an
opportunity for students to meet
informally with some of the
outstanding members of the
University faculty. Admission is
free, and coffee will be served.

Mr. Taylor has been
writer-in-residence at the University
since 1967, and is currently
Commonwealth Professor of
English. Reviewing his Collected
for the New York Times
Book Review,
Richard Howard
called him "one of the best writers
America has ever produced." Mr.
Taylor took his B.A. at Kenyon
College, where he came under the
influence and tutelage of John
Crowe Ransom, and was a member
of a group of young writers there
which also included Robert Lowell
and Randall Jarrell. He has since
published several volumes of short
stories, a novella, A Woman Of
and a full-length play,
Tennessee Day in St. Louis, in
addition to his Collected Stories,
which appeared in 1969. His story
"Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time"
won first prize in the O'Henry
competition in 1959. Mr. Taylor is
currently working on a novel and a
collection of one-act plays.

Alan Williamson is an Assistant
Professor in the English
Department, where he teaches both
critical and creative writing courses.
He has published widely- in
Poetry, Shenandoah,
and Chelsea,
among others-and is forthcoming
in the New Yorker. Mr. Williamson
has also been accepted for inclusion
in the Paul Carroll anthology, The
Young American Poets,
edition, and is in the process of
assembling a book of poetry. He
took his doctorate at Harvard,
where he studied with Robert