University of Virginia Library


There are few faculty members
who are pleased at seeing their
classes increase in size
immeasurably every year or who
enjoy teaching a class with students
literally packed into the classroom
like sardines. Faculty members are
subject to many of the
inconveniences and pressures
brought on by expansion that
bother students and are particularly
concerned with the quality of the
student body as the size of the
school increases. Students should
make every effort to talk with their
professors in order to convince
them that they must become active
in the fight against unplanned

Prior to "University Tuesday",
President Shannon expressed
concern over the reaction to
that he expected from across the
Commonwealth. With the
possibility of violence or disruption
so slight this was difficult to
understand. At this stage in the
game, it is unreasonable to contend
that a student demonstration
automatically carries with it so
many unfavorable connotations as
to render the demonstration

There have already been public
disagreements between the
University administration and the
Governor over the future growth of
the school and its place in the
system of higher education in
Virginia and it might be suggested
that President Shannon's concern
over the demonstration was because
it would indicate a lack of a united
front. Concerted student and
faculty pressure on the State
Legislature, the Governor and on
the people of the state could easily
point out the almost insane,
certainly non-understandable
preoccupation with growth present
in the President's office. No
President likes to have his position
undermined regardless of its