University of Virginia Library

Teeth Of Sanctions

This investigative board must
have more power than just deciding
upon the guilt or innocence of
parties involved in racial incidents.
It must be given the teeth of
sanction. The board will do little
good if it is restricted to
recommending reforms to a guilty
party. We do not need another
important committee but rather a
board of justice that can impose
sanctions and deter blatant acts of
prejudice on the Grounds.

There will be some who will
object to the establishment of such
a board saying that it could never
understand certain situations as in
fraternity rush or in the day-to-day
work of Security. There will be
others who will oppose the creation
of the board in the name of
preserving autonomy for the
various departments of the
University and for the different
groups on the Grounds.

But the time for autonomy is
over. The days of half-finished
investigations and lack-luster
reforms are gone. No longer will
black students or many white
students go to the IFC or to the
Department of Security or to the
President. In the name of justice,
we must create a board to
investigate alleged incidents of
racism and to punish those it finds
guilty. Only impartial hearings
made by representatives of the
entire University community and
backed by the power to act
decisively will help to solve this
aspect of racism that confronts us