University of Virginia Library

Turn Out

All of this is useless speculation
until we get together and
investigate the realities of
Charlottesville housing codes etc.
Those who are tired of paying high
rents and living in a slum might well
consider turning out when the
Union of University Students hold
their next meeting on Housing.

(There already is a Tenants
Association or at least an attempt at
one being made by the Union of
University Students. If people
would turn out for their meetings
and they would publicize them
adequately something might get
together. The UUS might find it
helpful to occasionally wander by
the CD with information of such
obvious importance. To my
knowledge their efforts have come
nowhere near the stage necessary to
intimidate realtors, mostly they've
developed a booklet on what kind
of leases not to sign and a list of the
off-ground housing and the type of
treatment one can expect from
various realtors or independent