University of Virginia Library

IFC Thanks

Dear Sir:

We would like to take this
opportunity to express our
appreciation and thanks towards all
the persons who assisted us in
making the Steppenwolf concert a
success. All during Saturday
afternoon and evening as more
problems arose because of the
record crowd, many students came
forward to help with the details. We
would have like to extend
individual thanks, but because of
the numbers involved, someone
would be overlooked.

We feel that this past concert is
representative of the evolution
taking place in the IFC and the
fraternities in general, and we hope
to be able to offer similar events to
the student community. We are
confident that the fraternities will
continue to rid themselves of the
stagnation surrounding their
activity and move forward with the
rest of the University.

John Barney
Steve Baskin
Ted Foote
IFC Concert Committee