University of Virginia Library

Sell Themselves

The simple solution some think
would be to lay off on the criticism
of fraternities and let them try to
sell themselves. This does not allow
for constructive criticism to be
given. The fraternities need to find
what those not in them think of
them and must be open and willing
to change.

A changing student generation is
upon us and new beliefs must be
conveyed to the Greeks. If a
different strand of student comes
to Virginia that shuns the tie and
coat of a few years back, not to
allow those who don't wear them
into your house will quickly kill the
house. The same goes for the length
of one's hair and color of his skin.
Coeds also are presenting a new
type of hurdle that must be crossed
by Virginia's fraternities.

The addition of several new
houses to the fraternity system
shows that the fraternity way of
life may not appeal to some as it
presently exists but a group of
students have gotten together to
form and mold their own. This
probably is one of the strongest
points in the fraternity system and
may appear to take on a new
dimension when coeds come
together to form new sororities.