University of Virginia Library

Rest Home

In fact, many of the first year
women, unwilling to accept all the
stories told about the "different life
style" present in the
Gwathmey-Munford dorms have
journeyed over there themselves to
ascertain the true poodah. Much to
their dismay their worst fears are
being realized. Without intending to
disparage the residents of
Gwathmey-Munford, the first year
girls have characterized the place as
a "rest home" which has little
appeal to them.

Until recently, it was generally
accepted that coed dorms were to
be the rule in University dorm
living, rather than the exception.
The President's decision calls into
question that assumption. The
various reasons for the apparent
change in policy, offered by any
number of parties, are both
interesting for what they say about
University decision-making and
somewhat amusing in and of