University of Virginia Library

Excluding Blacks

And so, for many years, the
traditions of excluding blacks and
women and of wearing adult
clothes were followed by the
unthinking people at THE
University. And, as all the
gentlemen drank and gambled and
partied all year long, everyone
began to say that THE University
was a playboy's school and a
country club and one could have a
good time there but not learn too
much. And they were right.

But later, things began to change
at THE University. As we know
now, the structure of the society
influences educational institutions
and this is what happened at THE
University. As the general society
began to change, so did the
atmosphere at THE University.
More and more students who were
intelligent and wanted to get a good
education began to come to THE
University. And society demanded
that women and blacks be able to
go to THE University. And THE
University began to change.

The changing university was
opposed by many narrow minded
reactionaries. They wanted to
return THE University to the way it
used to be — an all-white party
school. But the intelligent liberals
and conservatives saw that the new
university would be a better place
than in days past. They said that a
new type of student was coming to
THE University — a bright student
who wanted to work for a good
education. And these students were
correct and a new breed of student
arrived at the school.