University of Virginia Library

Parking On Lawn?

A solution such as has been
proposed in this article, albeit in
general terms minus the specifics
which will require study, would be
an innovative response, may be even
a radical one, in an area which
requires it. The automobile should
not dictate the response. Rather,
the objective should be ascertained
(presumably getting to the
University with a minimum hassle
and expense) and a solution framed
in terms of all the variables,
including the important one of
restoring to the University a beauty
consistent with its reputation and
in recent years destroyed. The
University has an opportunity to be
a leader. It can choose to discard
the old assumptions about the
necessity of everyone driving to
class and of having parking spaces
and lots all over the place or retain
those assumptions and turn the
Grounds into another paved and
parked on monstrosity.

About a year ago, The Cavalier
Daily ran a picture of the Lawn
with parking spaces marked off. At
the time, everyone scoffed at the
ridiculousness of the implication.
Somehow it doesn't seem so
ridiculous these days, especially if
the present response to this
problem remains unaltered.