University of Virginia Library


If that is the chief argument in
favor of the proposal and few
others appear to be in the offing
then the opponents would seem to
have the best of the battle in this
case. The impact on the traffic
situation and parking will be
devastating if this plan is approved.
The volume of automobiles that
would be generated by this kind of
complex is extremely large and
beyond the current or projected
capacity of Jeff Park. Additionally,
the parking included in Hurt's plan
would be for the use of the
residents, occupants of the motels
and patrons of the shops and
restaurant not students attending
class. In effect, the number of
available parking spots in that are
would be decreased.

Granting for the moment the
validity of the argument about
commercially zoned land near the
school, the question still remains
as to whether that locale is best
designed to fulfill that need. O'Neill
Enterprises, another land
development company which is
currently building the "Towers" at
the corner of Main and Jeff Park
has purchased land behind the
"Corner" presumably to construct
a complex of shops and so forth.
This would be an expansion of the
existing facilities at the "Corner"
and more in line with a concept of
orderly, planned development.