University of Virginia Library

Tuesday Evening Concert

Charlottesville certainly could not labeled
as the cultural mecca of the West, but its
offerings in the realm of the fine arts are
characterized by the extraordinary excellence.
The Tuesday Evening Concert series is one
such offering.

The Tuesday Evening Concert Series Inc.
was founded some years ago by civic minded
members of the University community "dedicated
to bringing the finest chamber music to
Charlottesville." As evidenced by their eight
performance season this year, they have been
truly successful.

The opening performance will be next
Tuesday, October 13, featuring the world
famous Juilliard String Quartet from the
Juilliard School of Music in New York. The
group over the past 24 years has become
perhaps the best string quartet heard anywhere
in the world. The following performances
during the year includes the Aeolian
Chamber Players; Stuart Burrows, tenor; Alegria
Arce, pianist; Igor Kipnis, harpsichordist;
The British Intimate Opera Co.; The Iowa
String Quartet; and I. Soloist Veneti.

Admission to the eight performances of
the concert series, which was sold out for the
last season, is by season ticket only. Tickets
are available at Newcomb Hall, Mincers's Pipe
Shop, the Hi-Fi House, and the University of
Virginia Department of Music in Old Cabell
Hall. The season price is $7.50 for University
students, $10 for others.

Concerts begin at 8:15 p.m. in the Cabell
Hall Auditorium. The Series should be an
enlightening and entertaining experience for
students and faculty members alike.