University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

Without a lengthy and boring
tirade concerning the article
entitled "Opinions Vary on
Coeducation" in the Wednesday
issue of the CD, I wish to protest
the biased, absurd, and inadequate
reporting found therein.

Although blatantly vague and
uninformative through the first
seven paragraphs, the last five were
a real prize, being: offensive and
unacceptable. Not only were the
opinions expressed
non-representative of all the girls I
have talked to, but entirely contrary
to all our thoughts. If our
"brooding" first year woman really
exists, (the one who doesn't like
guys running around the dorm) she
has misrepresented all the first year
women and the coeducational scene
at U Va.

Coeducation has been and will
continue to be a learning
experience, socially as well as
academically. The first year women
don't view guys as an "obnoxious
group of children testing their
wings" nor do we mind being
talked to or asked out without a
formal case history presentation as
an introduction.

If the guys on McCormick Road
think the upperclassmen have taken
over, take another look. NO one
has taken over; and contrary to
popular belief, we are not swamped
with dates. If the situation is
revolting to you, you have my
maudlin sympathies. WE are not
discriminatory snobs and would
like to meet guys who do not
epitomize the attitude in the
concluding paragraph. We are
excited at being the first to take
advantage of coeducation at Ava
and look forward to the help and
friendliness of all the ex-male

Becky Stone
The College