University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

In reference to the article of
Wednesday, April 15 concerning
Judge Spitzer, I would like to relate
a personal experience with the
judge. About six weeks ago four of
us were at Tony's and we recognized
Judge Spitzer leaving so we
said hello. He came over to talk to
us and started the conversation by
telling me to get a haircut.

This is strange in itself because
my hair is really not long at all.
Anyway he said if I ever came to
his court, I'd better have my hair
cut. He said that because of my hair
I would never succeed in business
and that U.S. Steel would probably
not even let me own stock in their

The next enlightening bit of
discourse he intellectually expounded
on was that twenty per
cent of the country, the "niggers,"
are in full control of the course of
the nation. Taken back by this I
immediately asked him if a black
would have a fair trial in his court.
He replied, "A nigger has a better
chance in my court than anyone
else in Virginia. If one of them
comes in for stealing chickens I just
let them go because that's all they

He told us a few other amazing
things along the same vein but I
would have trouble quoting them.
However, I was struck hard by one
of the last things he said to us:
"There is only one thing worse than
a nigger and that's long hair."

My reason for writing this is just
to inform the University community
of what we have to put up
with as far as the local court is
concerned. This man can actually
have you locked up for a long time.
One more thing - if you're black
and have long hair, punt the trial.

Jack Sherry
College 3
Lee Fauntleroy
Commerce 4