University of Virginia Library

College Race

Still, the most exciting race is
usually in the College, and this year
it will be between the Jefferson
Party and the Virginia Progressive
Party, led by Joel Gardner and
Stuart Pape, respectively. The JP
has a decided advantage on a
local-machine level in its 300-plus
membership and its membership
ties to the Young Republicans, who
run the most well-oiled political
organ at the University. The JP also
has extensive fraternity contacts
and will be seeking to elect its slate.

In contrast, the VPP has no such
extensive organization or campaign
fund, and for that reason will be
running a much more issue-oriented
effort, based primarily on the
present Council's record. Last
spring the VPP ran as an insurgent,
challenging the supposedly
dominant forerunners of the JP, the
caucuses. This year it is the
incumbent and has to run on its
own record.