University of Virginia Library

Spectre Of Violence

The spectre of violence is the
biggest item on everyone's mind
here. Newsweek has provided most
of its "street" staff with helmets
and gas masks; the area National
Guard Units are on alert; the Mobe
itself is working frantically to
subdue elements such as Mark
Rudd's Weathermen; and former
Attorney General Ramsey Clark has
set up a staff of 200 attorneys to
march and compile evidence for
any investigation that would result
from another Chicago-type battle.

Despite all the precautions, the
possibility of violence is strong,
depending largely on the attitude of
the police and the heat generated
by the special rallies. The real
radicals, such as those at the Saigon
embassy rally, have the greatest
propensity toward such activity, but
lack the numbers to carry it off.
The masses, the main stream of the
peace marchers, will not join in
violent activities, and so far the
radical groups have recognized this
fact and have laid off. Since the
greatest numbers of marchers will
not arrive until tomorrow, however,
that status is still shaky; but if there
is no provocation, their "March
Against Death" should not erupt.