University of Virginia Library

Only Functional

Working closely with the director
as scene designer and technical
director is Bruce Miller, senior
drama major from Cleveland, Ohio.
In creating the hint of the music
hall in the set, Mr. Miller commented,
"We don't want the
audience to pin point the style
exactly; instead, we have suggestions
- footlights, very theatrical
boarders, and a gaudy front proscenium."
But nothing will be done
for theatricalism along," he adds.
"Everything will be practical and
functional. We are using just the
necessary objects."

Mr. Miller is qualified in the area
of design, having designed the sets
for both "The Homecoming" and
"Comedy of Errors" at the University.
He has also worked as
technical director of "Trail of
Tears" this past summer.

Musical director for "Mother
Courage" is Ed Godshall, a graduate
student candidate in German. Mr.
Godshall was quick to state that
while "Mother Courage" has songs,
it is not a musical. "This is not a
"Camelot" or a "My Fair Lady." It
is a play with music.," he said, and
the songs are about alienation and
suffering. The runway idea adds to
this idea of alienation, taking the
actor-singer out of the context of
the play.

"Those are not tunes the audience
will go home whistling," he

The orchestra will include two
flutes, an accordion, and percussions
in addition to Mr. Godshall at
the piano.

Lucy Blandford, costume mistress
for the Players and graduate
student in drama, is making all of
the numerous costumes from
scratch. Explaining the designs, she
commented, "Although the costumes
are basically in period, we
didn't want them to scream 'this is
1632' or 'this is 1939.' We want
costumes that will get the idea of
human misery across. The different
armies will be told apart by
different colors and cuts of material."