University of Virginia Library


President Nixon has obviously
rejected this second possibility and
opted for the third choice, that of
negotiation and limited withdrawal.
I agree with the President that the
only feasible solution to the war is
through a negotiated settlement.
The President has asked for a two
month cessation of criticism of the
was in order to allow him to deal
with the Communists from a
position of strength. Obviously any
individual has the right to oppose
the was and to vocally espouse his
opposition; however I believe that
actions such as the moratorium that
call for the complete unilateral
withdrawal of U.S. troops will only
tend to prolong the war by
encouraging the North Vietnamese
and thereby decreasing their
proclivity to negotiate. Thus I see
the Moratorium of October 15th as
a roadblock to the only equitable
way of ending the war in Viet Nam
and bringing peace to the American