University of Virginia Library


That the Transition Fund is one of the
most urgent goals this University should
achieve must be apparent to everyone
concerned with human unity. A basic concept
behind its idea is the unification of different
peoples and ideas, an ideal at the heart of any
university. The Transition Fund is, we feel, an
important step by the University towards a
complete freedom of ideas and a necessary
tolerance between people.

On Sunday, May 11, a second Transition
Fund Musical Concert will be held in an effort
to raise part of the $10,000 still short of the
goal. We feel this is not only a most enjoyable
way to spend a Spring afternoon, but also an
idea close to the meaning of the Transition
Program. To bring together different groups
of the University for one purpose, in this case
a concert, is an attempt to share with each
other the beauty of the University and the
talent of some of its members. We urge all
members of the University community to
drop by the Lawn on May 11 to show support
of the program and to enjoy the performances
by the different groups and individuals who
will be present.