University of Virginia Library

Anatomy Of A Bust

Campus Physician
Betrays Ivy Students

By Fred Heblich
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The following "anatomy of a
bust" really occurred. The
still in court, so specific names and
places are not mentioned. The
account was told by the student a
sophomore at an Ivy League School,
to our reporter.


My name is John. I am
presently facing a possible one
year prison term, a $500 fine,
and loss of my driving privileges.
All because I told the
to one of our campus doctors.

One Friday night last winter
my roommate and I were
sitting in our room blowing
grass. All of a sudden my
roommate started going into
convulsions. I had no idea what
was wrong with him and I got
scared. I thought he was really
sick and called the security
department for help. They told
me to take him over to the hospital.

I drove him over to the emergency
room and he was admitted and
carted away. I was going to leave,
but a doctor stopped me and told
me he wanted to ask a few
questions. I was really worried
about my roommate and I thought
I should do everything I could to
help the doctor treat him. The
doctor asked if he had been
drinking. I said, "No, sir, but he has
been smoking marijuana." Then he
wrote a note and handed it to a

Doctor Questions

He questioned me for about ten
minutes, then I saw two campus
cops come into the room and stand
in the back. The doctor said, "what
did you say you were doing?" I
whispered to him, "I said we were
smoking marijuana." He told me to
repeat it louder, which I did, but it
wasn't loud enough. So he made me
say it again until it was loud enough
for the campus cops to hear.

The two cops came over and
started asking me questions. I was
angry at the doctor, and I asked
him just what was wrong with my
roommate. He said that my roommate
had a nervous breakdown. I
also asked him what the marijuana
had to do with it and he said that it
didn't have any effect on his

While I was being questioned by
the two cops, some trouble started
in the lobby. It was late and all
visitors were to have gone, but one
woman stayed there and refused to
leave. So the hospital called the city
police department to come over
and get her out of the lobby.

City Cop Enters

The campus cops told me that if
I would turn over the rest of the
grass I had, they would let me go
and not arrest me. I was surprised
that they were giving me a break,
and I agreed to go along with them.


Student Health Doctor Checking Ear Of University Student

At Ivy League School, Campus Doctor. Turned In Student For Pot

We were just about to leave when a
city cop who had been called about
the woman in the lobby, came into
the room. He walked over to us and
said to the campus cops, "What do
you have this guy for? What's he, a
dope addict?" The cop stopped
smiling when the campus cop said,
"No, I don't think so, but he and
his friend have been on the stuff

The city cop started asking me
questions but I kept telling him
that we had everything worked out.
The two campus cops took me by
the shoulder and we started walking
out the door. The city cop said, "I
know something's going on and I'm
not going to let you get away with

The Bust

We drove to my dormitory and
went up to my room. I took the
bag of marijuana and turned to
give it to the campus cops, but just
then the city cop burst into the
room and grabbed it out of my
hand. Then he searched my room
trying to find more drugs. He
picked up my bottle of vitamin pills
and looked at them suspiciously.
He took one out and broke it
open and tasted it. Then he decided
that they were indeed, vitamin pills.

He took me down to the station
and booked me on possession of
dangerous drugs. That meant that I
could get five years, and a $10,000
fine. He questioned me for three
hours. I found out that he had just
been promoted and that he thought
he would get another promotion if
he broke up the "college dope
ring," which he thought I was part
of, if not the ringleader.

He told me he would make a
deal with me if I "co-operated" and
exposed the pushers. I told him
that I bought the marijuana from
a man who approached me in a
public washroom and offered to sell
me an ounce for $13. The cop
didn't believe me, but after several
hours of convincing him, he did. He
was disappointed that he hadn't
broken the "dope ring," and all he
succeeded in doing was getting me
in a lot of trouble. He said he was
sorry and that he would try to help

At my hearing the charge against
me was reduced to a misdemeanor
My roommate who is back in
school, is also facing the same