University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

Women's International Terrorist
Conspiracy from Hell, an organization
of women seeking to end all
forms of sexual discrimination, is
appalled by the Board of Visitors'
attitude on co-education. In particular
we object to part C.3.a. of
the Resolution on the Admission of
Women: The number of qualified
male applicants should not be
curtailed as a result of the admission
of women.' The statement
should read: 'Women will henceforth
be admitted on an equal basis
with men.'

The implication of the Board's
statement is that admission of
women to the University is a
privilege, not a right. When it is
recognized that a segment of
society has been denied equality, in
this case the right of women to
attend any public educational institution
for which they are qualified,
then the situation must be
immediately corrected. In competing
for admission to the University,
women must be completely
equal to men. Sally Howe
