University of Virginia Library

Concert Band

Dear Sir:

Trying not to lapse into the
usual cynicism which any such
manifestation of student laziness
and ignorance tend to evoke from
me, I feel compelled to observe that
many students missed a very enjoyable
concert by the University Concert
Band, last Sunday afternoon in
old Cabell. I do not speak to the
wealth of freethinkers at this university,
who had more vital and
stimulating things to do: watching
the tube, sleeping or stumbling
back from down the road. Surely I
am not overly optimistic in
thinking that there must be more
than the twenty-odd students who
attended that enjoy or can appreciate
such music. The performance
was highly competent and easily
enjoyable. The members of the
band, and Mr. James Simmons (the
director), obviously spend considerable
effort in practice and rehearsal;
it seems that such endeavors
are largely for their own
edification, in lieu of the scant
appreciation they receive.

I address not, then, those who
detest symphonic band music. Such
people are missing yet another
aspect of the opportunities for
learning available, and narrow their
educations even further. Many students
are missing some enjoyable
and expanding music, however.
Give the band a chance, give it a
little support. Keep it in mind -
they are here for you.

Derek Nelson
College 2