The Cavalier daily. Wednesday, December 4, 1968 | ||
I read with considerable interest
the article by Professor Mayer in
the Nov. 27 issue of The Cavalier
Daily, and was impressed by many
of the points he made, but I feel
that there is something missing.
It seems that this article is advocating
the non-existence of
ROTC on college campuses, but is
attacking it from the wrong direction.
The most efficient way to
end the abuses of Rot-cee is to do
away with the mechanism with
which young men are stampeded
into it, namely the military draft.
As long as you have the draft, you
will have a very prominent ROTC.
Fight for the right to your own
life. Repeal the draft law, and
ROTC will dwindle.
Do not mis-understand me. I do
not think ROTC should be thrown
off campus. This would be as much
a usurpation of free choice as the
present system is. Let everyone
choose for himself. But let us
choose in an atmosphere of voluntarism.
Let us take away Rot-cee's
blackmail material, and force them
to stand on whatever merits they
might possess.
College 3
The Cavalier daily. Wednesday, December 4, 1968 | ||