University of Virginia Library

More Goldwater

Joel Gardner's answer to last
month's article entitled "Reagan:
Another Goldwaterloo?" begins
well but midway through loses its
objectivity. Arguments begin to
come from Mr. Gardner's heart
and thus lose their appeal to anyone
who does not care for Mr.
Reagan to begin with.

Political Editor Gardner's ending
with the good old Lincoln
quote "You can fool all the...."
is trite. "The Confidence of a
Conservative" has some valid reasons,
however, to show why
Ronald Reagan does not necessarily mean
another slaughter at the polls
for the Republicans in 1968.

Mike Barr's little story "For
Old Times Sake" is a love story.
Writing about matters of the heart
is always delicate but Mr. Barr's
story is handled well and is realistic.

Rick Lasser's story "Emerging
Green" is the type of prep school
writing that is supposed to be
packed with meaning but in this
case I find it hard to find. Betty
Pierce, the story's main character
is a good case for the Davis Ward
but it is hard to imagine any
such person really existing.